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CLI Realm Methods

Agent Method—Sets or Retrieves the Agent for the Realm

The Agent method sets or retrieves the agent for the realm.


The Agent method has the following format:



The Agent method accepts the following parameters:

agent (PolicyMgtAgent)

(Optional) Specifies the agent to set for the realm.

Return Value

The Agent method returns a new or existing PolicyMgtAgent object or PolicyMgtGroup object when the call is successful.

This method returns undef when the call is unsuccessful

AuthScheme Method—Sets or Retrieves the Authentication Scheme for the Realm

The AuthScheme method sets or retrieves the authentication scheme for the realm.


The AuthScheme method has the following format:



The AuthScheme method accepts the following parameter:

authScheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme)

(Optional) Specifies the authentication scheme to set for the realm.

Return Value

The AuthScheme method returns one of the following values:

AzUserDir Method—Sets or Retrieves the Authorization User Directory for the Realm

The AzUserDir method sets or retrieves the authorization user directory for the realm.


The AzUserDir method has the following format:



The AzUserDir method accepts the following parameter:

dir (PolicyMgtUserDirectory)

(Optional) Specifies the authorization user directory to set for the realm.

Return Value

The AzUserDir method returns one of the following values:

CreateChildRealm Method—Creates and Configures a Child Realm

The CreateChildRealm method creates and configures a realm directly under the realm on which this method was called.


The CreateChildRealm method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtRealm‑>CreateChildRealm(realmName, agent, authScheme [, realmDesc] [, resFilter] [, procAuthEvents] [, procAzEvents] [, protectAll] [, maxTimeout] [, idleTimeout] [, syncAudit] [, azUserDir] [, regScheme])


The CreateChildRealm method accepts the following parameters:

realmName (string)

Specifies the name of the realm.

agent (PolicyMgtAgent)

Specifies the agent or agent group for the realm.

authScheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme)

Specifies the authentication scheme to associate with the realm.

realmDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the realm description.

resFilter (string)

(Optional) Specifies the resource filter for the realm.

procAuthEvents (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag for processing authentication events: 1 to enable, or 0 to disable. The default is enabled.

procAzEvents (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag for processing authorization events: 1 to enable, or 0 to disable. The default is enabled.

protectAll (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag for activating default resource protection:1 to enable, or 0 to disable. The default is enabled.

maxTimeout (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, a user can access the realm before re-authentication is required. The default is 7200 (2 hours).

idleTimeout (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum time a user can remain inactive in the realm before re-authentication is required. The default is 3600 (1 hour).

syncAudit (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag for enabling synchronous auditing: 1 to enable, or 0 to disable. When this flag is enabled, SiteMinder logs Policy Server and agent actions before it allows access to resources. The default is enabled.

azUserDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)

(Optional) Specifies the directory where users in the realm will be authorized. The default is the default directory.

regScheme (PolicyMgtRegScheme)

(Optional) Specifies the registration scheme used to register new users accessing resources in the realm.

Return Value

The CreateChildRealm method returns one of the following values:


This method creates a realm that is configured for non-persistent sessions. To configure the realm for SiteMinder 5.0 persistent sessions, edit the realm in the Administrative UI.

Note: The Policy Management API only manipulates realms that are direct descendants of the object whose method has been called, as follows:

CreateRule Method—Creates and Configures a Rule under the Realm

The CreateRule method creates and configures a rule under the realm.


The CreateRule method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtRealm‑>CreateRule( ruleName [, ruleDesc] [, action] [, resource] [, allowAccess] [, regexMatch] [, activeExpr] [, isEnabled] )


The CreateRule method accepts the following parameters:

ruleName (string)

Specifies the name of the rule.

ruleDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description of the rule.

action (string)

(Optional) Specifies the type of action that the rule will execute. One of the following actions:

For action type Web Agent actions, use one or more of the following HTTP actions. Use commas to separate multiple actions:

For action type Authentication events:

For action type Authorization events:

(Optional) Specifies the resource protected by the rule. This value doesn't apply to action type Authentication events.

allowAccess (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag to allow or deny access to the resource protected by the rule: 1 allows access, or 0 denies access. This flag applies only to action values of type GET, PUT, and/or POST. The default is 1.

regexMatch (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag to allow regular expression pattern matching in the resource field : 1 allows regular expression matching, and 0 denies regular expression matching. This flag doesn't apply to action type Authentication events. The default is 0.

activeExpr (string)

(Optional) Specifies the active expression associated with the rule.

isEnabled (int)

(Optional) Specifies a flag to enable or disable the rule:1 to enable, or 0 to disable. The default is enabled.

Return Value

The CreateRule method returns one of the following values:

DeleteChildRealm Method—Deletes a Top-level Realm within the Realm

The DeleteChildRealm method deletes a top-level realm within the realm.


The DeleteChildRealm method has the following format:



The DeleteChildRealm method accepts the following parameter:

realm (PolicyMgtRealm)

Specifies the child realm to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteChildRealm method returns one of the following values:

DeleteRule Method—Deletes an Existing Rule within the Realm

The DeleteRule method deletes an existing rule within the realm.


The DeleteRule method has the following format:



The DeleteRule method accepts the following parameter:

rule (PolicyMgtRule)

Specifies the rule to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteRule method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves the Description of the Realm

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the realm.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

realmDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies the description to assign to the realm.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

Flush Method—Flushes the Realm from the Resource Cache

The Flush method flushes the realm from the resource cache.


The Flush method has the following format:



The Flush method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The Flush method returns one of the following values:

GetAllChildRealms Method—Retrieves All Top-level Realms within the Realm

The GetAllChildRealms method retrieves all top-level realms within the realm. Returns only the children.


The GetAllChildRealms method has the following format:



The GetAllChildRealms method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllChildRealms method returns one of the following values:

GetAllRules Method—Retrieves the Rules Associated with the Realm

The GetAllRules method retrieves the rules associated with the realm.


The GetAllRules method has the following format:



The GetAllRules method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllRules method returns one of the following values:

GetChildRealm Method—Retrieves a Top-level Child Realm under the Realm

The GetChildRealm method retrieves a top-level child realm under the realm. This method only searches child realms.


The GetChildRealm method has the following format:



The GetChildRealm method accepts the following parameter:

realmName (string)

Specifies the realm to check for child realms.

Return Value

The GetChildRealm method returns one of the following values:

GetDomain Method—Retrieves the Domain Associated with the Realm

The GetDomain method retrieves the domain associated with the realm.


The GetDomain method has the following format:



The GetDomain method accepts parameters.

Return Value

The GetDomain method returns one of the following values:

GetRule Method—Retrieves an Existing Rule in the Realm

The GetRule method retrieves an existing rule in the realm.


The GetRule method has the following format:



The GetRule method accepts the following parameter:

ruleName (string)

Specifies the name of the rule to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetRule method returns one of the following values:

IdleTimeout Method—Sets or Retrieves the Maximum Time a User Can Remain Inactive in the Realm

The IdleTimeout method sets or retrieves the maximum time a user can remain inactive in the realm before re-authentication is required.


The IdleTimeout method has the following format:



The IdleTimeout method accepts the following parameter:

idleTimeout (type)

(Optional) Specifies the idle timeout value, in seconds.

Return Value

The IdleTimeout method returns one of the following values:

MaxTimeout Method—Sets or Retrieves the Maximum Time a User Can Access the Realm

The MaxTimeout method sets or retrieves the maximum time a user can access the realm before re-authentication is required.


The MaxTimeout method has the following format:



The MaxTimeout method accepts the following parameter:

maxTimeout (int)

(Optional) Specifies the maximum timeout value, in seconds.

Return Value

The MaxTimeout method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves the Realm Name

The Name method sets or retrieves the realm name.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

realmName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name to assign to the realm.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

ProcessAuEvents Method—Sets or Retrieves the Authentication Event Flag in the Realm

The ProcessAuEvents method sets or retrieves the authentication event flag in the realm.

Authentication event processing affects performance. If no rules in the realm are triggered by authentication events, set this flag to 0.


The ProcessAuEvents method has the following format:



The ProcessAuEvents method accepts the following parameter:

authFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether authentication events are processed:

Return Value

The ProcessAuEvents method returns one of the following values:

ProcessAzEvents Method—Sets or Retrieves the Authorization Event Flag in the Realm

The ProcessAzEvents method sets or retrieves the authorization event flag in the realm.


The ProcessAzEvents method has the following format:



The ProcessAzEvents method accepts the following parameter:

azFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable authorization event processing:

Return Value

The ProcessAzEvents method returns one of the following values:


Authorization event processing affects performance. If no rules in the realm are triggered by authorization events, set this flag to 0.

ProtectResource Method—Sets or Retrieves the Current Resource Protection Flag Example

The ProtectResource method sets or retrieves the current resource protection flag.


The ProtectResource method has the following format:



The ProtectResource method accepts the following parameter:

protectFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether enable resource protection:

Return Value

The ProtectResource method returns one of the following values:

RegScheme Method—Sets or Retrieves the Registration Scheme for the Realm

The RegScheme method sets or retrieves the registration scheme for the realm.


The RegScheme method has the following format:



The RegScheme method accepts the following parameter:

regScheme (PolicyMgtRegScheme)

(Optional) Specifies the registration scheme to set.

Return Value

The RegScheme method returns one of the following values:

SessionDrift Method--Sets or Retrieves the Session Drift

The SessionDrift method sets or retrieves the session drift of the realm, that is, the validation period (in seconds) if enabled on a persistent realm.


The SessionDrift method has the following format:



The SessionDrift method accepts the following parameter:

SessionDrift (int)

(Optional) Specifies the new value, or returns the current value when not specified.

Return Value

The SessionDrift method returns one of the following values:

ResourceFilter Method—Sets or Retrieves the Realm Resource Filter

The ResourceFilter method sets or retrieves the realm resource filter.


The ResourceFilter method has the following format:



The ResourceFilter method accepts the following parameter:

rFilter (string)

(Optional) Specifies the realm resource filter to set.

Return Value

The ResourceFilter method returns one of the following values:

SyncAudit Method—Sets or Retrieves the Synchronous Auditing Flag

The SyncAudit method sets or retrieves the synchronous auditing flag. When this flag is enabled, SiteMinder logs Policy Server and agent actions before it allows access to resources.


The SyncAudit method has the following format:



The SyncAudit method accepts the following parameter:

syncFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether synchronous auditing is enabled:

Return Value

The SyncAudit method returns one of the following values: