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Configure a Name ID for a WS-Federation Assertion

A name ID specifies a user in an assertion in a unique way. The value you configure in the Administrative UI is included in the assertion sent to the Resource Partner.

The format of the name ID establishes the type of content that is used for the ID. For example, if the format is the User DN, the content is a UID.

To configure a name ID

  1. Navigate to the Resource Partner object you want to configure.
  2. Select the Name IDs settings.
  3. Select the Name ID Format.

    For a description of each format, see the Assertions and Protocols for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0 specification.

  4. Select the Name ID Type from the following options:

    The contents of the Name ID Fields change according to the Name ID Type.

  5. Complete the Name ID fields for the selected Name ID Type.