Previous Topic: Migration Roadmap—Re-Encrypt Sensitive DataNext Topic: Migration Roadmap—Configure FIPS-Only Mode

How to Re-Encrypt Existing Sensitive Data

Complete the following procedures to re-encrypt existing sensitive data using FIPS-compliant algorithms:

  1. Gather environment information.
  2. Set FIPS-migration mode for all Policy Servers.
  3. Re-encrypt the policy store key.
  4. Re-encrypt the policy store administrator password.
  5. Re-encrypt the SiteMinder Super User password.
  6. Set FIPS-migration mode for all Agents.
  7. Re-encrypt policy and key store data.
  8. (Optional) If your environment uses Basic Password Services, verify that Password Blobs are re-encrypted.
Gather Environment Information

Re-encrypting existing sensitive data while the Policy Server operates in FIPS-migration mode requires specific environment information.

Set a Policy Server to FIPS-Migration Mode

You set the Policy Servers to FIPS-migration mode so the environment can continue to use the existing SiteMinder encryption algorithms as you re-encrypt existing sensitive data using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt on the computer hosting the Policy Server and run the following command:

    MIGRATION appears in the command window.

  2. Stop the Policy Server.

    Note: For more information about stopping and starting the Policy Server, see the Policy Server Administration Guide.

  3. Complete one of the following steps:
  4. Start the Policy Server.
  5. Open the smps.log file and verify that the following line appears:
    Policy Server migrating from classic SiteMinder to FIPS-140 cryptographic algorithms.
  6. Close the log file.

    The Policy Server is set to operate in FIPS-migration mode.

  7. Repeat the previous steps for each Policy Server in the environment.

You can now re-encrypt the policy store key for each Policy Server in the environment.

Re-encrypt a Policy Store Key

You re-encrypt the policy store key to replace the existing key with a version that is encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

To re-encrypt the policy store key

  1. Open a command prompt from the computer hosting the Policy server and run the following command:
    smreg -cf MIGRATE -key key_value
    -cf MIGRATE

    Specifies that smreg run in FIPS-migration mode.

    Note: When smreg runs in FIPS-migration mode, the policy store key is re-generated using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

    -key key value

    Specifies the current policy store key.

    smreg generates a new policy store key and encrypts it using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

  2. Open the EncryptionKey.txt file, and verify that a new encryption key is present and prefixed with a FIPS-compliant algorithm.

    Prefix example: {AES}

    The policy store key is re-encrypted.

  3. Repeat the latter steps for each Policy Server in the environment.

You may now re-encrypt the policy store administrator password.

Re-Encrypt the Policy Store Administrator Password

You re-encrypt the policy store administrator password to be sure that the data is encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

Follow these steps:

  1. Start the Policy Server Management Console, and click the Data tab.

    Note: For more information about starting the Policy Server Management Console, see the Policy Server Administration Guide.

  2. Re–enter the administrator password in the Password field, and click Apply.

    The administrator password is encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

  3. (Optional) If you have configured a separate database for one or more of the following stores, re-encrypt the administrator password for each:

    Important! A Policy Server operating in FIPS-only mode cannot decrypt a database password that remains encrypted with algorithms that are not FIPS–compliant.

You can now re-encrypt the SiteMinder superuser password.

Re-encrypt the SiteMinder Super User Password

You re-encrypt the SiteMinder Super User password to ensure that the data is encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

Note: This is the password for the default administrator account. This account is used for all administrative tasks that do not require direct access to the Administrative UI. This is not the password for the Administrative UI administrator account with Super User privileges.

To reset the SiteMinder Super User password, open a command prompt and run the following command:

smreg -cf MIGRATE -su password

Specifies that smreg run in FIPS-migration mode.

Note: When smreg runs in FIPS-migration mode, the existing Super User password is saved using FIPS-compliant algorithms.


Specifies the existing Super User password.

Note: You do not have to supply a new password. You are entering the same password to ensure that the data is encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

The SiteMinder Super User password is encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

You may now set each of the Agents in the environment to FIPS-migration mode.

Set an Agent to FIPS-Migration Mode

You set the Agents to FIPS-migration mode so the environment can continue to use existing SiteMinder encryption algorithms as you re-encrypt sensitive data using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

To change the FIPS mode of an agent

  1. Open the SmHost.conf file with a text editor.

    The following line appears in the file:

  2. Edit the line to read:
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Restart the machine that is hosting the Agent.

    The agent is operating in FIPS-migration mode.

  5. Repeat the previous steps for each machine in the environment on which a trusted hosted is registered.

You may now encrypt agent shared secrets.

Re-encrypt Client Shared Secrets

You re-encrypt the agent shared secrets to replace the existing secrets with secrets that are encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms. You re-encrypt shared secrets either:

Use the Administrative UI to Re-encrypt a Shared Secret

To rollover the shared secret from the Administrative UI

  1. Log into the Administrative UI and click Administration, Policy Server, Shared Secret Rollover.

    The Shared Secret Rollover pane appears.

  2. Select the Rollover Shared Secret every radio button.

    Rollover Now becomes active.

  3. Click Rollover Now.

    The Policy Server rolls over the shared secrets for all trusted hosts configured to allow shared secret rollover.

You may now re-encrypt sensitive policy and key data in the policy store.

Use smreghost to Re-encrypt a Shared Secret

To use smreghost to re-encrypt a shared secret

  1. Open a command prompt and run the following command:
    smreghost -i policy_server_ip_address -u administrator_user_name
    -p administrator_password -hn hostname_for_registration -hc host_config_object
    -f path_to_host_config_file -o -cf MIGRATE
    -i policy server ip address

    Specifies the IP address of the Policy Server to which the trusted host is registered.

    -u administrator user name

    Specifies the name of the SiteMinder administrator with the rights to register a trusted host.

    - p administrator password

    Specifies the password of the administrator who is allowed to register a trusted host.

    -hn hostname for registration

    Specifies the current name of the host that is registered.

    -hc host configuration object

    Specifies the Host Configuration Object configured at the Policy Server.

    -f path to host config file

    Specifies the full path to the file that contains the registration data. The default file name is SmHost.conf.

    Note: If you do not specify a file path, the updated file is saved in the location where you are running smreghost.


    Overwrites an existing trusted host. If you do not use this argument, you will have to delete the existing trusted host using the Administrative UI. We recommend using smreghost with this argument.

    -cf MIGRATE

    Specifies that smreghost run in FIPS-migration mode.

    Note: When smreghost runs in FIPS-migration mode, the shared secret created and encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

    smreghost re-registers the trusted host and creates a new shared secret that is encrypted using FIPS-approved algorithms.

  2. Open the file that contains the trusted host registration data and verify that a new shared secret is present and prefixed with a FIPS-approved algorithm.

    The shared secret is encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

    Prefix example: {AES}

You may now re-encrypt sensitive policy and key data in the policy store.

Re-encrypt Policy and Key Store Data

You re-encrypt policy and key store data to ensure that sensitive data that is encrypted using existing SiteMinder algorithms is encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

Options for Re-encrypting Policy and Key Store Data

There are three ways to re-encrypt policy and key store data. You can:

This guide details the steps for re-encrypting the policy and key store data for existing stores.

If you want to create a new r12.5 policy store or policy and key store:

  1. Export the key data using smkeyexport.

    Note: XPSExport does not export keys that are stored in a policy or key store. More information on using smkeyexport exists in the Policy Server Administration Guide.

  2. Export the policy store data using XPSExport.

    Note: More information on using XPSExport exists in the Policy Server Administration Guide.

  3. Create a r12.5 policy store or policy and key store.

    Note: More information on creating a policy and key stores exists in the Policy Server Installation Guide.

  4. Import the key data into the new policy store, or if created, the new key store using smkeyimport.

    Note: More information on using smkeyimport exists in the Policy Server Administration Guide.

  5. Import the policy store data into the new policy store using XPSImport.

    Note: More information on using XPSImport exists in the Policy Server Administration Guide.

Re-encrypt Keys Stored in the Policy or Key Store

You re-encrypt the keys stored in the policy or key store to replace the existing keys with versions that are encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

To re-encrypt the keys stored in the policy or key store

  1. Open a command prompt from the computer hosting the Policy server and run the following command:
    smkeyexport -dadmin_name -wadmin_password -ooutput_file_name -l -v -t -cf

    Specifies the name of the SiteMinder administrator account.


    Specifies the password for the SiteMinder administrator account.


    (Optional) Specifies the name of the exported file. If you do not specify a file name, the default file name is stdout.smdif.

    Note: Ensure that the file name contains the .smdif extension.

    Example: pskeys.smdif


    Specifies that a log file be created.


    (Optional) Enables verbose mode for troubleshooting.


    (Optional) Enables tracing for troubleshooting.


    Specifies that smkeyexport run in FIPS-migration mode.

    Note: When smkeyexport runs in FIPS-migration mode, the keys stored in the policy store are exported and re-encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

    smkeyexport exports an smdif file that contains the re-encrypted keys.

  2. Run the following command:
    smkeyimport -iinput_file_name -dadmin_name -wadmin_password -l -v -t -cf

    Specifies the name of the file output file you created.

    Note: Ensure that the file name you specify includes the .smdif extension.


    Specifies the name of the SiteMinder administrator account.


    Specifies the password for the SiteMinder administrator account.


    Specifies that a log file be created.


    (Optional) Enables verbose mode for troubleshooting.


    (Optional) Enables tracing for troubleshooting.


    Specifies that smkeyimport run in FIPS-migration mode.

    smkeyimport imports the re-encrypted keys into the respective store.

You may now re-encrypt policy store data.

Re-encrypt the Policy Store Data

To re-encrypt the policy store data

  1. Open a command prompt from the machine hosting the Policy Server and navigate to the location to which you want to export the policy store data file.
  2. Run the following command:
    XPSExport outputfile -xe -xp -pass <passphrase> -vT -vI -vW -vE -vF -e file_name -l log_file

    Note: Although you can use XPSExport to export one or more granular objects, this procedure provides the arguments for exporting all of the policy store data. This ensures that the export includes all of the sensitive data. More information on exporting one or more granular objects exists in the Policy Server Administration Guide.


    Specifies the name of the XML output file.

    Note: The file name must be unique. The export fails if a file with the same name exists.

    Example: psdata


    Exports the object types that are related to the execution environment.


    Exports the object types that are related to the policies.

    -pass <passphrase>

    Specifies a passphrase required for encryption of sensitive data. Record this value as it is required to import the sensitive data back into the policy store.

    Limit: The passphrase must be contain at least:

    • Eight (8) characters
    • One (1) digit
    • One (1) upper-case character
    • One (1) lower-case character

    Note: If the passphrase contains spaces, enclose it in quotes (").


    (Optional) Sets verbosity level to TRACE.


    (Optional) Sets verbosity level to INFO.


    (Optional) Sets verbosity level to WARNING (default).


    (Optional) Sets verbosity level to ERROR.


    (Optional) Sets verbosity level to FATAL.

    -l log_path

    (Optional) Outputs log to the specified path.

    -e file_name

    (Optional) Specifies the file to which errors and exceptions are logged. If omitted, stderr is used.

    XPSExport exports the policy store data and places the data file in the directory from which you ran the tool.

  3. Run the following command:
    XPSImport input_file -pass <passphrase> -vT -vI -vW -vE -vF -l log_path

    Specifies the input XML file.

    -pass <passphrase>

    Specifies the passphrase required for the decryption of sensitive data.

    Limit: The phrase must match the phrase you specified during export or the decryption fails.


    (Optional) Sets verbosity level to TRACE.


    (Optional) Sets verbosity level to INFO.


    (Optional) Sets verbosity level to WARNING (default).


    (Optional) Sets verbosity level to ERROR.


    (Optional) Sets verbosity level to FATAL.

    -l log_path

    (Optional) Outputs log to the specified path.

    -e file_name

    (Optional) Specifies the file to which errors and exceptions are logged. If omitted, stderr is used.

    XPSImport imports the data into the policy store. Sensitive data is encrypted using FIPS-compliant algorithms.

If your environment users Basic Password Services, you may now verify that the Password Blobs are re-encrypted using FIPS-approved algorithms.

Verify that Password Blobs are Re-encrypted

You verify that the Policy Server has re-encrypted every Password Blob in the user store to prevent users from losing their password history and being locked out by Password Services.

When you configured the user store connection for password policies, you specified the Password Data user profile attribute. This value represents where Password Blobs are stored in the user store and is the value you use to identify Password Blobs that are not re-encrypted.

To verify that Password Blobs are re-encrypted

  1. Using the directory server or database-specific tool, search for Password Data entries that are not prefixed with:

    Example: If "audio" is the value you specified in the Password Data field when configuring the user store connection, search for all entries stored in "audio" that are not prefixed with {AES}.

  2. Identify the users whose Password Blobs are not prefixed with {AES}. The Policy Server has not re-encrypted these Password Blobs.
  3. Notify these users that they must either log in or change their password.

    Note: How the password policy is configured determines when the Policy Server re-encrypts the Password Blob:

Important! Password Services locks out users whose Password Blobs are not re-encrypted when the Policy Server is operating in FIPS-only mode. A user cannot regain access until you have deleted the Password Blob and cleared any disabled flags. Deleting the Password Blob results in the loss of the user's password history.