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This section contains the following topics:

SiteMinder Bookshelf

Release Numbers on Documentation

Command Line Scripting (CLI) Documentation

SiteMinder Bookshelf

Complete information about SiteMinder is available from the SiteMinder bookshelf. The SiteMinder bookshelf lets you:

View and download the SiteMinder bookshelf from the CA Technical Support site. You do not need to log in to the site to access the bookshelf.

If you plan to download the documentation, we recommend that you download it before beginning the installation process.

Release Numbers on Documentation

The release number on the title page of a document does not always correspond to the current product release number; however, all documentation delivered with the product, regardless of release number on the title page, supports the current product release.

The release number changes only when a significant portion of a document changes to support a new or updated product release. If no substantive changes are made to a document, the release number does not change. For example, a document for r12 can still be valid for r12 SP1. Documentation bookshelves always reflect the current product release number.

Occasionally, we must update documentation outside of a new or updated release. To indicate a minor change to the documentation that does not invalidate it for any releases that it supports, we update the edition number on the cover page. First editions do not have an edition number.

Command Line Scripting (CLI) Documentation

The guidance and reference information for the Perl CLI API has been combined into the Perl Programming Guide, which is available on the SiteMinder Bookshelf. The Perl POD format for the CLI reference is no longer supported.