Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on scheme type MS Passport. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeMSPassport) The scheme type MS Passport. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 1. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthmspp") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) The following information, separated by semicolons:
anonuser=anonUserDN If you specify an anonymous user DN, the protection level is 0.
attribute=nameSpace:attrib=searchSpec Valid namespaces are LDAP, AD, ODBC, WinNT, and Custom.
registrationurl=URL (custom URL) Example using an LDAP attribute and a custom URL: attribute=LDAP:altSecurityIdentities= |
Shared secret |
setSecret("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(templateFlag) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(1) Set to true (1)—ignore password checking. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type RADIUS CHAP/PAP. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeRadiusChapPap) The scheme type RADIUS CHAP/PAP. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 5. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthchap") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) A string containing the name of a user directory attribute. This attribute is used as the clear text password for authentication. |
Shared secret |
setSecret("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(1) Set to true (1)—scheme can be used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(flag) Set to true (1) to ignore password checking, or false (0) to check passwords. Default is 0. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type RADIUS Server. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeRadiusServer) The scheme type RADIUS Server. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 5. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthradius") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) A string containing the IP address and port of the RADIUS server—for example: The default UDP port is 1645. |
Shared secret |
setSecret(secret) The user attribute that the RADIUS Server will use as the clear text password. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(1) Set to true (1)—scheme can be used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(1) Set to true (1)—scheme can be used with RADIUS agents.. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(flag) Set to true (1) to ignore password checking, or false (0) to check passwords. Default is 0. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type SafeWord HTML Form. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeSafeWordHTMLForm) The scheme type SafeWord HTML Form. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 10. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthenigmahtml") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) A string containing the name and location of the forms credentials collector. This example shows the default credentials collector: |
Shared secret |
setSecret("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(1) Set to true (1)—scheme can be used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(1) Set to true (1)—scheme can be used with RADIUS agents.. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(1) Set to true (1)—ignore password checking. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type SafeWord. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeSafeWordServer) The scheme type SafeWord. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 10. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthenigma") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Shared secret |
setSecret("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(1) Set to true (1)—scheme can be used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(1) Set to true (1)—scheme can be used with RADIUS agents.. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(1) Set to true (1)—ignore password checking. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the SAML Artifact binding. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeSAMLArtifact) The scheme type SAML Artifact. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 5. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthsaml") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) The following required parameters:
0. Meaning: 302 No Data. 1. Meaning: 302 Cookie Data. 2. Meaning: Server Redirect.
Format of the parameter string is as follows. Separate name/value pairs with semi-colons ( ; ). The format example includes LDAP and ODBC attributes: Name=name;RedirectMode=0|1|2;SRCID=srcid; |
Shared secret |
setSecret(secret) The password for the affiliate site. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(templateFlag) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(1) Set to true (1)—ignore password checking. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type SecurID HTML Form. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeACEServerHTMLForm) The scheme type SecurID HTML Form. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 15. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthacehtml") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) A string containing the name of the attribute that contains the ACE IDs, the Web server where the forms credential collector (FCC) is installed, and the target executable file required for processing SecurID authentication with forms support. It also specifies whether an SSL connection is required. Format: attr;https://server/target Note: The "s" in "https" is optional, depending on whether you want an SSL connection. The following example uses the default for processing SecurID authentication with forms support: ace_id;
Shared secret |
setSecret("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(1) Set to true (1)—ignore password checking. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type SecurID. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeACEServer) The scheme type SecurID. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 15. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthace") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) A string containing the attribute in the authentication user directory that contains the ACE Server user ID.
Shared secret |
setSecret("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(1) Set to true (1)—scheme can be used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(1) Set to true (1)—scheme can be used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(1) Set to true (1)—ignore password checking. |
The smauthetsso authentication scheme is similar to the SiteMinder X.509 certification scheme, but with an eSSO cookie as the authentication credential instead of an X.509 credential.
If this scheme is configured for either cookieorbasic or cookieorforms mode, and both an eSSO cookie and login name and password credentials are passed to it, the eSSO cookie is ignored, and the login name and password are used to authenticate the user to SiteMinder.
When the eSSO cookie is the only credential, the authentication scheme uses the ETWAS API to connect to the configured eSSO Policy Server to validate the cookie and extract the user Distinguished Name (DN) from it.
Use this table when configuring an smauthetsso authentication scheme, which is based on the scheme type Custom. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeCustom) Uses the scheme type Custom. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 0 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 5. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthetsso") The name of the library for this authentication scheme. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) An ordered set of tokens, separated by semi-colons: You can add spaces to make the string easier to read. <Mode> specifies the type of credentials that the authenticaion scheme will accept. The following values are possible:
<Target> is valid only with cookieorforms mode. This is identical to the Target field for standard HTML Forms Authentication Scheme. <Admin> specifies the login ID of an administrator for the Policy Server. The password for this administrator has been specified in the Shared Secret field. <eTPO_Host> specifies the name of the amchine on which the Policy Server is installed. SiteMinder will authenticate itself as <Admin> to the Policy Server on the <eTPS_Host> so that SiteMinder can request validation of SSO cookies. Examples: "cookie; SMPS_sso;"
Shared secret |
setSecret(secret) The password of the Policy Server administrator named in the Parameter field. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(flag) Set to true (1) to specify that the scheme can be used to authenticate administrators, or to false (0) to specify that the scheme cannot be used to authenticate administrators. Default is 0. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(flag) Set to true (1) to ignore password checking, or false (0) to check passwords. Default is 0. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type TeleID. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeEncotone) The scheme type TeleID. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 15. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthencotone") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Shared secret |
setSecret(seed) The encryption seed. SiteMinder uses this value as an encryption seed for initializing hardware tokens. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(1) Set to true (1)—scheme can be used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(1) Set to true (1)—scheme can be used with RADIUS agents.. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(1) Set to true (1)—ignore password checking. |
Use this table when configuring an Integrated Windows Authentication scheme based on the scheme type Windows Authentication (previously known as NTLM). This scheme type is used to authenticate against WinNT or Active Directory user stores.
An Active Directory can be configured to run in mixed mode or native mode. An Active Directory supports WinNT style authentication when running in mixed mode. In native mode, an Active Directory supports only LDAP style lookups.
This authentication scheme supports either mixed mode or native mode.
The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeNTLM) The scheme type Windows Authentication (NTLM). |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 5. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthntlm") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) The value of param determines the style of authentication to perform for this scheme: NTLM authentication (for WinNT or Active Directory running in mixed mode) Format: iis-web-server-url/path-to-ntc-file In the format, iis-web-server-url is the name of the IIS web server that is the target of the redirection, and path-to-ntc-file is the location of the .ntc file that collects the WinNT credentials. For example: A SiteMinder Web Agent must be installed on the specified server. By default, the Web Agent installation creates a virtual directory for NTLM credential collection. Windows Authentication (for Active Directory running in native mode) With this authentication style, param has an LDAP filter added to the beginning of the redirection URL. The filter and URL are separated by a semi-colon (;). For example: cn=%{UID},ou=Users,ou=USA,dc=%{DOMAIN}, SiteMinder uses the LDAP filter to map credentials received from the browser/Web Agent to an LDAP DN or search filter. |
Shared secret |
setSecret("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials will not be saved. |
setIsRadius(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(flag) For WinNT and for Active Directory running in mixed mode, this property must be true (1)—ignore password checking. For Active Directory running in native mode, set to true (1) to ignore password checking, or false (0) to check passwords. The default is 0. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type X.509 Client Certificate and Basic. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeX509ClientCertAndBasic) The scheme type X.509 Client Certificate and Basic. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 15. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthcert") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) A string containing the domain or IP address of the SSL server and the name and path of the SSL Credentials Collector (SCC). The server redirects a user’s X.509 certificate over an SSL connection. Format: https://server:port/SCC?cert+basic The following example uses the default SCC:
Shared secret |
setSecret("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(flag) Set to true (1) to ignore password checking, or false (0) to check passwords. Default is 0. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type X.509 Client Certificate and Form. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeX509ClientCertAndForm) The scheme type X.509 Client Certificate and HTML Form. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 15. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthcert") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) A string containing the domain or IP address of the SSL server and the name and path of the forms credentials collector (FCC). The server redirects a user’s X.509 certificate over an SSL connection. Format: https://server:port/FCC?cert+forms The following example uses the default FCC:
Shared secret |
setSecret("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to 0 to indicate that the scheme is not a template, or 1 if the scheme is a template. Default is 0. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(0) Set to 0—scheme is not used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to 0 to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(0) Set to 0—scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(flag) Set to 1 to ignore password checking, or 0 to check passwords. Default is 0. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type X.509 Client Certificate or Basic. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeX509ClientCertOrBasic) The scheme type X.509 Client Certificate or Basic. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 5. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthcert") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) A string containing the following information: Server for establishing an SSL connection. This server redirects a user’s X.509 certificate over an SSL connection. Name and path of the SSL Credentials Collector (SSC). If you are using basic authentication over SSL, also provide the following two pieces of information: The fully qualified name of the SSL server used for establishing an SSL connection for basic authentication. Name and path of the SSL Credentials Collector (SSC). https://SSLserver:port/SCC?certorbasic; |
The following example uses the default SCC values:
Shared secret |
setSecret("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(flag) Set to true (1) to ignore password checking, or false (0) to check passwords. Default is 0. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type X.509 Client Certificate or Form. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeX509ClientCertOrForm) The scheme type X.509 Client Certificate or HTML Form. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 5. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthcertorform") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) A string containing the following information:
If you are using an alternate forms-based authentication over SSL, also provide the following two pieces of information:
https://SSLserver:port/SFCC?certorform; |
The following example uses the default SCC values:
Shared secret |
setSecret("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to 0 to indicate that the scheme is not a template, or 1 if the scheme is a template. Default is 0. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(0) Set to 0—scheme is not used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to 0 to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(0) Set to 0—scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(flag) Set to 1 to ignore password checking, or 0 to check passwords. Default is 0. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type X.509 Client Certificate. The Java methods referenced in the table are in the class SmScheme.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
setType(TypeX509ClientCert) The scheme type X.509 Client Certificate. |
Description |
setDescription(description) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
setLevel(value) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 5. |
Library |
setLibrary("smauthcert") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
setParameter(param) A string containing the domain or IP address of the server responsible for establishing the SSL connection and the name and path of the SSL Credentials Collector (SCC). The server redirects a user’s X.509 certificate over an SSL connection. Format: https://server/SCC?cert The following example uses the default SCC value:
Shared secret |
setSecret("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
setIsTemplate(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. |
Is used by administrator? |
setIsUsedByAdmin(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
setAllowSaveCreds(0) Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won’t be saved. |
setIsRadius(0) Set to false (0)—scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
setIgnorePwCheck(1) Set to true (1)—ignore password checking. |
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All rights reserved.