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How to Install the Report Templates

Complete the following procedures to install the report templates:

  1. Gather information for the installer.
  2. Install the report templates.
  3. Restart the Report Server.
  4. Increase the Job Server service timeout value.
Gather Information for the Installer

The Report Server Configuration Wizard requires the following information:

A worksheet is provided to help you gather and record required information before installing the report templates.

More information:

Report Server Configuration Worksheet

Install the Report Templates

You install the SiteMinder report templates with the Report Server Configuration Wizard. The following sections detail how to run the Report Server Configuration Wizard on Windows and UNIX.

Before You Install

Consider the following items before you install the report templates:


To install the report templates on Windows

  1. Be sure that you have gathered the required information for the installer.
  2. Exit all applications that are running.
  3. Double–click installation_media.

    Specifies the name of the Report Server Configuration Wizard installation executable.

    The installer starts.

    Note: For a list of installation media names, see the Policy Server Release Notes.

  4. For each prompt, use your completed Report Server configuration worksheet to enter the required values.
  5. Review the installation settings and click Install.

    The report templates are installed.

  6. Restart the Report Server.

    The Report Server is configured to use the SiteMinder report templates.

More information:

Locate the Installation Media

Report Server Configuration Worksheet

Restart the Report Server

Installation Media Names


To install the report templates using a UNIX GUI

  1. Be sure that you have gathered the required information for the installer.
  2. Exit all applications that are running.
  3. Open a shell and navigate the installation media.
  4. Enter the following command:

    Specifies the name of the Report Server Configuration Wizard installation executable.

    The installer starts.

    Note: For a list of installation media names, see the Policy Server Release Notes.

  5. For each prompt, use your completed Report Server configuration worksheet to enter the required values.

    Note: Oracle is the only supported audit database for a Solaris Report Server. If you installed the Report Server to Solaris, you are not prompted for an audit database type. The Report Server Configuration Wizard automatically installs Oracle-specific report templates.

  6. Review the installation settings and click Install.

    The report templates are installed.

  7. Restart the Report Server.

    The Report Server is configured to use the SiteMinder report templates.

UNIX Console

To install the report templates using a UNIX console

  1. Be sure that you have gathered the required information for the installer.
  2. Exit all applications that are running.
  3. Open a shell and navigate to the installation media.
  4. Enter the following command:
    ./installation_media -i console

    Specifies the name of the Report Server Configuration Wizard installation executable.

    -i console

    Specifies that installation start in a UNIX console.

    The installer starts.

    Note: For a list of installation media names, see the Policy Server Release Notes.

  5. For each prompt, use your completed Report Server configuration worksheet to enter the required values.

    Note: Oracle is the only supported audit database for a Solaris Report Server. If you installed the Report Server to Solaris, you are not prompted for an audit database type. The Report Server Configuration Wizard automatically installs Oracle-specific report templates.

  6. Review the installation settings and press Enter.

    The report templates are installed.

  7. Restart the Report Server.

    The Report Server is configured to use the SiteMinder report templates.

Increase the Job Server Service Timeout Value

Some of the Report Server services have a default timeout of 10 minutes. The Report Server can take longer than 10 minutes to generate large analysis reports.

Increase the timeout value of the Crystal Reports Job Server service to be sure that large analysis reports are successfully generated.

Increase the Timeout Value on Windows

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, Programs, BusinessObjects XI Release 3.1, BusinessObjects Enterprise, Central Configuration Manager.

    The Central Configuration Manager console appears.

  2. Right-click Crystal Reports Job Server and select Stop.

    The Crystal Reports Job Server service stops.

  3. Right-click Crystal Reports Job Server and select Properties.

    The Crystal Reports Job Server Properties dialog appears.

  4. From the Properties tab, append the following entry to the end of the string in the Command field:
    -requesttimeout 6000000

    Note: The timeout value is measured in milliseconds. Specifying 6000000 increases the timeout value to one (1) hour.

  5. Click OK.

    The Central Configuration Manager appears.

  6. Right-click Crystal Reports Job Server and select Start.

    The Crystal Reports Job Server service starts.

  7. Exit the Central Configuration Manager.

    The timeout value for the Crystal Reports Job Server service is set to one (1) hour.

Increase the Timeout Value on UNIX

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to report_server_home/CommonReporting3/bobje.

    Specifies the Report Server installation path.

  2. Open the ccm.config file, and append the following entry to the end of the value for reportjobserverLAUNCH key:
    -requesttimeout 6000000

    Note: The timeout value is measured in milliseconds. Specifying 6000000 increases the timeout value to one (1) hour.

  3. Save and close the ccm.config file.

    The timeout value for the Crystal Reports Job Server service is set to one (1) hour.