XPSSweeper is a command-line utility that can also be run as a batch job. You can use XPSSweeper to synchronize XPS and SiteMinder policy stores. Usually, XPS synchronizes the different policy stores. However, when legacy tools are used, the policy stores may need to be resynchronized using XPSSweeper. In any case, XPSSweeper does not harm the policy stores and can be run as a precaution.
XPSSweeper has the following format:
XPSSweeper [-f] [-s seconds] [-m entries] [-?] [-vT | -vI | -vW | -vE | -vF] [-l log_path] [-e err_path]
XPSSweeper includes the following options:
(Optional) Runs XPSSweeper in a loop forever.
Note: Use Control-C to exit.
(Optional) Sleeps for the specified number of seconds between iterations of XPSSweeper.
(Optional) Outputs a milestone message every time the specified number of entries has been logged.
(Optional) Displays help information for this utility.
(Optional) Specifies when to log error information to the error file and how much information to log.
Logs detailed information so that you can TRACE errors.
Logs INFOrmation in case there is an error.
Logs error information in the event of a WARNING, ERROR, or FATAL error.
Logs error information in the event of an ERROR or FATAL error.
Logs error information in the event of a FATAL error.
(Optional) Outputs logging information to the specified location.
Default: stdout
(Optional) Outputs error information to the specified location.
Default: stderr
You can run XPSSweeper as a batch job by setting the following two XPS configuration parameters using XPSConfig:
Specifies whether to run XPSweeper according to the Autosweep schedule or not to run XPSSweeper at all.
Type: Boolean
Specifies the Autosweep schedule in GMT using the following format:
DDD@{HH:MM}[,DDD@{HH:MM}] ... [,DDD@{HH:MM}]
(Optional) Specifies the day of the week:
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat
Specifies the hour.
Range: 00-23
Specifies the number of minutes past the hour.
Range: 00-59
Every Sunday at 8:30am GMT
Every Tuesday at 2:00pm GMT
Everyday at 3:15pm GMT
Every Sunday at 8:30am, every Tuesday at 2:00pm, and everyday at 3:15pm except Tuesday
Note: Multiple Autosweep times can be separated by commas, spaces, or semicolons.
Policy Servers manage XPSSweeper Autosweep times as follows:
Example: If XPSSweeper is scheduled to run at 2:00pm on Tuesday and daily at 3:15pm, the latter sweep is not run on Tuesdays.
We recommend configuring the XPSSweeper utility to run once every 24 hours. If the XPSSweeper utility does not run often enough, the Policy Server could have trouble starting. Too many tombstone objects in the policy store produce the following error:
Setting the XPSSweeper utility to run automatically uses the following XPS configuration parameters:
Follow these steps:
The Products Menu opens and lists the products.
The Parameters Menu opens and lists the XPS parameters.
The Autosweep Parameter Menu opens.
Note: This step specifies running XPSSweeper according to the Autosweep Schedule.
The AutosweepSchedule Parameter Menu opens.
The command prompt appears.
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