To comply with the terms of your SiteMinder license, you can count the number of users in your SiteMinder environment. The following process describes how to configure your directories and count the SiteMinder users stored within them:
Note: For more information, see the SiteMinder Policy Server Configuration Guide.
If your SiteMinder user stores are on Microsoft Active Directory servers, map the inetOrgPerson in each server before counting the SiteMinder users.
Follow these steps:
Custom Mapping to Count Active Directory Users (with XPSCounter)
The inetOrgPerson attribute is mapped.
To comply with the SiteMinder licensing terms, you can determine how many users in your organization are associated with SiteMinder policies.
Note: If you do not have write access to the SiteMinder binary files (XPS.dll,,, an Administrator must grant you permission to use the related XPS command line tools using the Administrative UI or the XPSSecurity tool.
To determine the number of users
The tool starts and displays the name of the log file for this session, and the License Parameters menu opens.
The Parameter menu appears.
The Counter menu appears.
Note: This tool counts the number of user objects in each directory that you specify. It does not account for the same user object being listed in multiple directories or multiple user objects for the same user in a directory. You must consider this when interpreting the results provided by this tool.
The users are counted and a confirmation message appears.
The following information appears for each directory counted:
Displays the unique identifier for the specified user directory.
Example: CA.SM::UserDirectory@0e-50ea30f0-b5c0-450c-a135-1e317dd25f11
Displays the name of the specified user directory (as defined in the Administrative UI).
Displays the most-recent user count of the specified user directory. You do not have to delete any previous values stored in the counter because this value is updated automatically every time the counter is run.
Example: : 23
Displays the total of number of users from all of the user directories you counted. For example, if you counted number of users for two different directories, and each directory has 23 users, the total shown will be 46.
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