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Install the SDK on UNIX in GUI mode

No special accounts or privileges are required to install the SiteMinder SDK. Instructions for installing a first version of the SDK and upgrading from an existing version are the same.

Do not install the SiteMinder SDK in the same path as the Policy Server or Web Agent. The SDK can possibly have different versions of the same support libraries.

Note: When installing the SiteMinder SDK on Linux systems, be sure that you have the appropriate 32.bit C runtime library for your operating environment (that is, You can obtain this library by installing the following rpm:

On UNIX, the installation executable file is ca-sdk-12.52sp1-platform.bin.

You can install the SDK in GUI mode or console mode.

To Install the SDK in UNIX GUI Mode

  1. Close all programs.
  2. Download the SDK from the CA Technical Support site.
  3. In a UNIX shell, navigate to the directory that corresponds to your platform (solaris, aix, linux, or hpux).
  4. Enter the following command:
    sh ./ca-sdk-12.52sp1-OS.bin

    Replace OS with sol, aix, linux, suse, or hp.

    For example, on Solaris platforms, the command is:

    sh ./ca-sdk-12.52sp1-sol.bin
  5. Follow the wizard.