You create the session store schema so the Oracle database can store session information.
To create the SiteMinder schema
Note: We recommend that you do not create SiteMinder schema with the SYS or SYSTEM users. If necessary, create an Oracle user, such as SMOWNER, and create the schema with that user.
Note: Environment variables may not function in Oracle's SQL utility. If you experience problems importing the script using the utility, specify an explicit path.
The session store schema is created in the database.
You point the Policy Server to the database so the Policy Server can read and store session information.
To point the Policy Server to the data store
Database settings appear.
Data source settings become active.
Note: We recommend retaining the default for best performance.
The settings are saved.
SiteMinder returns a confirmation that the Policy Server can access the data store.
The Policy Server is configured to use the database as a session store.
You restart the Policy Server for certain settings to take effect.
Follow these steps:
The Policy Server stops as indicated by the red stoplight.
The Policy Server starts as indicated by the green stoplight.
Note: On UNIX or Linux operating environments, you can also execute the stop-all command followed by the start-all command to restart the Policy Server. These commands provide an alternative to the Policy Server Management Console.
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