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Agent Keys Introduced

SiteMinder Web Agents use an Agent key to encrypt cookies before passing the cookies to a user’s browser. When a Web Agent receives a SiteMinder cookie, the Agent key enables the Agent to decrypt the contents of the cookie. Keys must be set to the same value for all Web Agents communicating with a Policy Server.

The Policy Server provides the following types of Agent keys:

More information:

Dynamic Agent Key Rollover

Dynamic Agent Key Rollover

Dynamic Agent key rollover is configured in the Key Management dialog of the FSS Administrative UI. Web Agents poll the Policy Server for key updates at a regular interval. If keys have been updated, Web Agents pick up the changes during polling. The default polling time is 30 seconds, but can be configured by changing the pspollinterval parameter of a Web Agent.

Note: For information about changing the parameters of a Web Agent, see the SiteMinder Web Agent Configuration Guide.

The Policy Server uses an algorithm to generate dynamic keys at a regular interval. These keys are saved in the key store. When a Web Agent detects new keys, it retrieves them from the key store.

Dynamic Agent Key Rollover

You configure dynamic agent key rollover in the Administrative UI. Web agents poll the Policy Server for key updates at a regular interval. If keys have been updated, web agents pick up the changes during polling. The default polling time is 30 seconds, but you can change the default by changing the pspollinterval parameter of a web agent.

Note: For information about changing the parameters of a web agent, see the SiteMinder Web Agent Configuration Guide.

The Policy Server uses an algorithm to generate dynamic keys at a regular interval. These keys are saved in the key store. When a web agent detects new keys, it retrieves them from the key store.

Agent Keys Used in Dynamic Key Rollover

SiteMinder deployments use the following keys in a dynamic key rollover and maintain them in the key store:

When the Policy Server processes a dynamic Agent key rollover, the value of the current key replaces the value of the old key. The value of the future key replaces the value of the current key, and the Policy Server generates a new value for the future key.

When receiving a cookie from a client browser, the Web Agent uses the current key from the key store to decrypt the cookie. If the decrypted value is not valid, the Web Agent tries the old key, and if necessary, the future key. The old key may be required to decrypt cookies from an Agent that has not yet been updated, or to decrypt existing cookies from a client’s browser. The future key may be required for cookies created by an updated Agent, but read by an Agent that has not yet polled the key store for updated keys.

Rollover Intervals for Agent Keys

At a specified time, the Agent key rollover process begins. To prevent multiple rollovers from multiple Policy Servers, each server sets a rollover wait time of up to 30 minutes. If no update has been performed by the end of the wait time, that Policy Server updates the keys.

All Policy Servers wait for updated keys and then process the new keys to their Agents. Even for a single Policy Server, the update time may be up to 30 minutes beyond the time specified for the rollover.

The Agent Key Rollover process begins at the time(s) specified in the SiteMinder Agent Key Management dialog box. The process can take up to three minutes. In that time period, all Web Agents connected to the Policy Server receive updated keys.

Note: In a deployment that involves multiple replicated Policy Servers, the process for distributing Agent keys may take up to 30 minutes.

Static Keys

A static key is a string used to encrypt data which remains constant. In a SiteMinder deployment that uses the Agent Key rollover feature, a static key provides a method for maintaining user information across an extended period of time.

The following SiteMinder features and situations make use of the static key:

More information:

Multiple Policy Stores with Separate Key Stores