Realms are groupings of resources in a specific location on your network. The contents of a realm are protected by Agents. When users request resources within a realm, the associated Agent handles authentication and authorization of the user. The realm specifies the method of authentication.
You can configure realms for any type of SiteMinder Agent, including Affiliate Agents.
You can configure a realm to protect a group of resources that users access through a Web Server.
Note: The following procedure assumes that you are creating an object. You can also copy the properties of an existing object to create an object.
Follow these steps:
Note: Applying a confidence level to a realm requires that you integrate SiteMinder with a supported risk analysis engine and enable confidence level support. For more information, see the Implementation Guide.
The Realm associated with the selected SiteMinder Web Agent or Agent group is created.
You can configure a realm to protect a group of resources that users access through a Web Server.
Note: The Administrative UI lets you configure realms protected by a RADIUS Agent. These realms do not require all of the same information that is required for a SiteMinder Web Agent realm.
Note: The following procedure assumes that you are creating an object. You can also copy the properties of an existing object to create an object.
Follow these steps:
The Realm associated with the selected RADIUS Agent or Agent group is created.
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