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Configure a WS-Federation Account Partner

Prerequisites for an Asserting Partner(legacy)

To configure an asserting partner, verify the following conditions:

How To Configure an Account Partner

SiteMinder, as an Account Partner generates assertions for its business partners, the Resource Partners. To establish a federated partnership, the Account Partner needs information about each Resource Partner. Create a Resource Partner object for each partner. Define how the two entities communicate to pass assertions and to satisfy profiles, such as single sign-on.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a Resource Partner object.
  2. Add the Resource Partner to the affiliate domain.
  3. Specify the general identifying information for the Resource Partner.
  4. Select users from a user store. The Account Partner generates assertions for the users you select.
  5. Specify the Name ID to include in the assertion.
  6. Configure the single sign-on profile.

    You can save a Resource Partner entity without configuring a complete SSO profile. However, you cannot pass an assertion to the Resource Partner without configuring SSO.

  7. Complete optional configuration tasks.


Optional Configuration Tasks for an Account Partner

The optional tasks for configuring a Account Partner include:

Navigating Legacy Federation Dialogs

The Administrative UI provides two ways to navigate to the legacy federation configuration dialogs.

You can navigate in one of two ways:

Add a Resource Partner to an Affiliate Domain

To identify a Resource Partner as an available consumer of assertions, add the Resource Partner to an affiliate domain at the Account Partner. You then configure the Resource Partner so that the Account Partner can issue security token response messages containing assertions.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Federation, Legacy Federation, Resource Partners.
  2. Click Create Resource Partner.

    The Create Resource Partner page appears.

  3. Select an affiliate domain, then click Next.

    The General page appears.

  4. Fill in the fields at the top of the dialog.

    Click Help for field descriptions.

  5. Select Enabled so the Account Partner can recognize the configured Resource Partner.