These functions can be called either within a sequence of directory operations or within a sequence of directory entry (user) operations. If the function receives an instance handle through a parameter, determine whether it is a directory instance handle or a directory entry (user) instance handle.
Function Name |
Description |
Free memory allocated for a sting. |
Free memory allocated for a string array. |
Check the Directory API version and the directory capabilities it supports. |
Free Strings and String Arrays
After the SiteMinder Policy Server calls an operation function that takes string parameters, the SiteMinder Policy Server calls SmDirFreeString() or SmDirFreeStringArray() to release allocated memory. Calls may be repeated so that multiple strings can be freed.
For example, a SiteMinder Administrator can use the SiteMinder Administrative UI to perform a search for the user Mikel. The SiteMinder Administrator first selects the string User from the Search drop-down list box, then enters the string Mikel in the Search Expression field. SiteMinder calls SmDirLookup() and passes the strings (in the form “User = Mikel”) into the lpszPattern parameter. SiteMinder then calls SmDirFreeStringArray() twice. On the first call, SiteMinder passes the string array Mikel. On the second call, SiteMinder passes the string array User.
Query and Validation
The SiteMinder Policy Server frequently calls SmDirQueryVersion(), then SmDirValidateInstance(). This sequence may be repeated several times.
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