If the object category ID is management command (SmLogObjCat_ManagementCommand), the format is:
ManagementCommand <Hostname> <Time String> "- <Username> " <Event> '<Description>'
Elements in the above format example are described as follows:
[27/Jun/2000:11:27:29 -0500]
FlushAll ChangeDynamicKeys FlushUser ChangePersistentKey FlushAllUsers ChangeDisabledUserState FlushAllRealms ChangeUserPassword
Here is an example of a management command event format that was logged when administrator JLewis flushed the user cache for BRoy:
ManagementCommand MyHost [20/Jul/2001:13:26:23 -0500] "- JLewis" FlushUser 'uid=BRoy,ou=HR,o=security.com'
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