Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type Impersonation. The structure fields referenced in the table are in Sm_PolicyApi_Scheme_t.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
nType=Sm_Api_SchemeType_Impersonation The scheme type Impersonation. |
Description |
pszDesc=description The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
nLevel=value A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 5. |
Library |
pszLib="smauthimpersonate" The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
pszParam=param A string containing a user attribute list plus the location of the forms credential collector (FCC). The attribute list must begin with AL= and use commas as the list delimiter character, and it must end with a semicolon-for example: AL=Password,SSN,age,zipcode; The complete parameter format is: attr-list;https:/server/fcc The following example uses the default FCC: AL=PASSWORD,SSN,age,zipcode; |
Shared secret |
pszSecret="" Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
bIsTemplate=0 Set to false (0) to indicate that the scheme is not a template. Any other value is ignored. |
Is used by administrator? |
bIsUsedbyAdmin=0 Set to false (0)-scheme is not used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
bAllowSaveCreds=0 Set to false (0) to indicate that user credentials won't be saved. |
bIsRadius=0 Set to false (0)-scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
bIgnorePwCheck=1 Set to true (1)-ignore password checking. |
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