The SiteMinder Policy Server calls SmDirAddEntry() so that you can insert a directory entry (user) into your custom directory. Examples of directory entries are users, groups and roles. For example, if you are using a SQL database and need to add a group, you could use SmDirAddEntry() to insert a record into the groups table (and all related tables) for the database.
When adding an entry to a hierarchical directory, it may be helpful to look at the attributes passed in with the entry, such as object class in LDAP.
int SM_EXTERN SmDirAddEntry ( const Sm_Api_Context_t* lpApiContext, void* pHandle, void* pInstanceHandle, const Sm_PolicyResolution_t nEntryType, const char* lpszEntryDN, const char** lpszAttrNames, const char** lpszAttrValues );
Parameter |
I/O |
Description |
lpApiContext |
I |
Pointer to the API context structure. |
pHandle |
I |
The address of the pointer returned by SmDirInit(). |
pInstanceHandle |
I |
The address of a pointer to the directory instance handle. |
nEntryType |
I |
The Policy resolution of the entry. Policy resolutions are enumerated in Sm_PolicyResolution_t, which is defined in SmApi.h. The following elements of Sm_PolicyResolution_t are valid entry types:
lpszEntryDN |
I |
Buffer containing the distinguished name for the entry being added. |
lpszAttrNames |
I |
Buffer containing the names of the entry attributes. |
lpszAttrValues |
I |
Buffer containing the values of the entry attributes. |
Returns 0 if successful or -1 if not successful.
This function is called when Delegated Management Services is used to create directory entries, including users or roles.
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