This structure provides DMS-specific context.
typedef struct { unsigned char bIsUserContext; char* lpszAdminUserName char* lpszAdminUserPath; char* lpszDirPath; void lpReserved1; char* lpszDirServer; char* lpszDirNamespace; char* lpszSessionId; void* lpDirParam; void* lpAdminParam; Sm_Api_GetUserProp fGetAdminProp; Sm_Api_GetDmsDnProp fGetDnProp; } Sm_Api_DmsContext_t;
Field |
Description |
bIsUserContext |
Flag indicating that SiteMinder has established the user's identity and stored it in lpszAdminUserName. When this flag is set, the function referenced in fGetAdminProp can be used to obtain properties of this user. |
lpszAdminUserName |
The DMS administrator user name. This will be a full distinguished name for Administrator events, else it will be an empty string. |
lpszAdminUserPath |
The DMS administrator user path in the SiteMinder notation, for Administrator events only. |
lpszDirPath |
Directory path, in the SiteMinder notation, of a SiteMinder user directory specified by the registration scheme. |
lpReserved1 |
Reserved for internal use. |
lpszDirServer |
The directory server of a SiteMinder user directory specified by the registration scheme. |
lpszDirNamespace |
The directory namespace. |
lpszSessionId |
The DMS session ID. |
lpDirParam |
Pointer to the parameters to be passed to fGetDnProp. |
lpAdminParam |
Pointer to the parameters to be passed to fGetAdminProp. |
fGetAdminProp |
Function that returns attributes of the administrative user. The calling syntax for this function is: int nMaxBufSize = 256; char lpszResult[256]; int nBuflen = lpDmsContext->fGetProp ( lpDmsContext->lpAdminParam, "mail", nMaxBufSize, lpszResult); If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of bytes in the output buffer. If the function fails, the return value is -1.
fGetDnProp |
Function that returns attributes given a distinguished name. Any object may be examined as long as it can be retrieved from the directory server. The calling syntax for this function is: int nMaxBufSize = 256; char lpszResult[256]; char lpszDn[] = "uid=jsmith,ou=People,"; int nBuflen = lpDmsContext->fGetProp ( lpDmsContext->lpDirParam, lpszDn, "mail", nMaxBufSize, lpszResult); If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of bytes in the output buffer. If the function fails, the return value is -1.
Function Declarations
In structure Sm_Api_DmsContext_t, the functions fGetAdminProp and fGetDnProp are declared in SmApi.h as follows:
typedef int (SM_EXTERN *Sm_Api_GetUserProp) ( const void* lpParam, /* The function parameter */ const char* lpszPropName, /* User property name (null-term) */ const int nBytesValueBuf, /* Max size of user property buffer */ char* lpszValueBuf /* Output buffer to hold the user property */ );
typedef int (SM_EXTERN *Sm_Api_GetDmsDnProp) ( const void* lpParam, /* The function parameter */ const char* lpszDN, /* The DN of the object */ const char* lpszPropName, /* Object property name (null-term) */ const int nBytesValueBuf, /* Max size of object property buffer */ char* lpszValueBuf /* Output buffer to hold the object property */ );
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