Assigning a user to a role or removing a user from a role results in an EMS event. Roles are LDAP entities of the class groupofuniquenames or entities that extend groupofuniquenames.
The following table lists the associated SmLog_Ems_t fields:
Field |
Description |
nVersion |
Version number of the SiteMinder server. |
nCurrentTime |
Time when the event occurred. |
szUserName |
The name of the administrator who is assigning or removing the role. |
szSessionId |
The EMS session ID. |
szDirName |
The name of the SiteMinder directory where the role is located. |
szObjName |
The name (user ID) of the user object targeted by this event. |
szObjPath |
Full distinguished name of the user object targeted by this event. |
szObjClass |
Class name of the user object. |
szOrgName |
Name of the user’s organization. |
szRoleName |
Name of the role that is being assigned or removed. |
szFieldDesc |
Description of the event. |
szStatusMsg |
Status message. Used only if the event was not handled successfully. |
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