Represents an affiliate object.
typedef struct Sm_PolicyApi_Affiliate_s { int iStructId; char pszOid[BFSIZE]; char pszName[BFSIZE]; char pszDesc[BFSIZE]; char pszAffiliateDomainOid[BFSIZE]; char pszPassword[BFSIZE]; bool bIsEnabled; bool bAllowNotification; char pszAuthURL[BFSIZE]; char pszAudience[BFSIZE]; long nValidityDuration; bool bSharedSession; long nSyncInterval; long nSkewTime; long nStartTime; long nEndTime; unsigned char pszTimeGrid[TIMESIZE]; Sm_PolicyApi_IPAddress_t *pIPAddress; struct Sm_PolicyApi_Affiliate_s* next; long nSAMLVersion; char pszAssertionPluginClass[BFSIZE]; char pszAssertionPluginParameters[BFSIZE]; Sm_PolicyApi_SAML_Profile_t SAMLProfile; char pszConsumerURL[BFSIZE]; } Sm_PolicyApi_Affiliate_t;
Field |
Description |
iStructId |
Domain data structure ID, defined in Sm_PolicyApi_Structs_t. |
pszOid |
The object identifier of the affiliate object. |
pszName |
Name of the affiliate. |
pszDesc |
Brief description of the affiliate. |
pszAffiliateDomain |
The object identifier of the affiliate domain object. |
pszPassword |
The password for the affiliate as a null terminated string. |
bIsEnabled |
Boolean indicating if the affiliate is enabled. |
bAllowNotification |
Boolean indicating if notifications are allowed for the affiliate. |
pszAuthURL |
The authentication URL for the affiliate. |
pszAudience |
A URI of the document that describes the terms and conditions of the agreement between the portal and the affiliate. |
nValidityDuration |
The amount of time, in seconds, that the assertion is valid. |
bSharedSession |
Boolean that enables the sharing of session information between the portal and the affiliate. |
nSyncInterval |
The frequency, in seconds, at which the affiliate contacts the portal to validate session status. |
nSkewTime |
The difference, in seconds, between the system clock time of the portal and the system clock time of the affiliate. |
nStartTime |
The time when the time restriction becomes effective. This value is stored in standard time_t format. Set nStartTime to 0 to start the time restriction immediately. |
nEndTime |
The time when the time restriction expires. This value is stored in standard time_t format. Set nEndTime to 0 to end the time restriction immediately. |
pszTimeGrid |
An array containing time restrictions for an entire week. |
pIPAddress |
IP address that user must use in order to gain access to the resources governed by the Policy. |
next |
Pointer to the next affiliate structure. |
nSAMLVersion |
One of the following SAML version constants:
The SAML version has effect only if the Policy Management API's session version is at least SM_POLICY_API_VERSION_6_0_1. |
pszAssertion |
The fully qualified class name of a custom assertion generator plug-in. The plug-in lets you customize the default assertion that SiteMinder generates for an affiliate. A plug-in class and parameter string are supported only if the Policy Management API's session version is at least SM_POLICY_API_VERSION_6_0_2. Custom assertion generator plug-ins are implemented with the Java SDK. |
pszAssertion |
The parameter string to pass to a custom assertion generator plug-in. |
SAMLProfile |
The type of profile used to send and receive SAML assertions. Defined in Sm_PolicyApi_SAML_Profile_t. Valid profiles:
This profile is supported only if the Policy Management API's session version is at least SM_POLICY_API_VERSION_6_0_2. |
pszConsumerURL |
With a SAML POST profile, this field specifies the URL where the requesting user's browser must POST a generated assertion. The site associated with the URL validates the assertion and uses its contents to make access decisions. |
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