Changes the password of a user account. It can also be used to validate a new password or an old password without changing the password.
To validate a new password, you must set SiteMinder Password services for the directory, and you must identify a password attribute in the SiteMinder user directory.
User and user state function.
int SM_EXTERN Sm_PolicyApi_SetPassword ( void* pSessionHandle, const char* pszUserDirOid, const char* pszUserDN, const char* pszNewPassword, const char* pszOldPassword, bool bChangePassword, bool bValidateNewPassword, bool bValidateOldPassword, char** pszErrMsg );
Parameter |
I/O |
Description |
pSessionHandle |
I |
A pointer to an internal Policy Management API data structure. The structure holds information about the administrator session and the client session. |
pszUserDirOid |
I |
A null-terminated string containing the object identifier of the user directory where the user may be found. |
pszUserDN |
I |
The distinguished name of the user whose password is to be changed and/or whose new or old password is to be validated. |
pszNewPassword |
I |
New user password to validate or change. |
pszOldPassword |
I |
Old user password to validate or change. |
bChangePassword |
I |
If true, the password is changed to the new password and is recorded in the user's password history. If an error occurs, the function returns an error code. |
bValidateNewPassword |
I |
If true, the new password is checked to make sure it satisfies all password policy requirements. If the new password is in violation of any password policies, pszErrMsg is set and the function returns an error code. |
bValidateOldPassword |
I |
If true, the old password is used to authenticate the user. If authentication fails, the function returns an error code. |
pszErrMsg |
O |
String containing an error message if the user password change or validation was not successful. You release the memory allocated for this variable by calling Sm_PolicyApi_FreeString(). |
For information about the error, call Sm_PolicyApi_GetPasswordMsg() and pass to it the encoded error message (pszErrMsg) returned from Sm_PolicyApi_SetPassword().
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