Retrieves the disabled state of a user.
To make this function work successfully, you must specify a directory attribute to track disabled users. This attribute is specified in the disabled flag of the user directory. The disabled reasons are enumerated in Sm_Api_DisabledReason_t, which is defined in SmApi.h.
User and user state function.
int SM_EXTERN Sm_PolicyApi_GetDisabledUserState ( void* pSessionHandle, const char* pszUserDirOid, const char* pszUserDN, Sm_Api_DisabledReason_t* nDisabledReason, char** pszErrMsg );
Parameter |
I/O |
Description |
pSessionHandle |
I |
A pointer to an internal Policy Management API data structure. The structure holds information about the administrator session and the client session. |
pszUserDirOid |
I |
A null-terminated string containing the object identifier of an existing user directory where the user may be found. |
pszUserDN |
I |
A null-terminated string containing the distinguished name of a user whose disabled state is to be changed. |
nDisabledReason |
O |
Reason for disabling or enabling a user. Reasons are enumerated in Sm_Api_DisabledReason_t, which is defined in SmApi.h. |
pszErrMsg |
O |
The error message is held in this string if the retrieval was not successful. You release the memory allocated for this variable by calling Sm_PolicyApi_FreeString(). |
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