Retrieves the object identifiers of global objects of a specified type. Beginning at SiteMinder v6.0, this function will accept rule, policy, and response properties as global objects, and will return global rules, policies, and responses.
The returned values are contained in structure Sm_PolicyApi_Oid_t. Free the memory allocated for this structure by calling Sm_PolicyApi_FreeMemoryEx().
Note: In releases prior to SiteMinder v4.5, the functionality provided by Sm_PolicyApi_GetGlobalObjects() was provided by Sm_PolicyApi_GetGlobalObjectNames().
General object function, global scope.
int SM_EXTERN Sm_PolicyApi_GetGlobalObjects ( void* pSessionHandle, const Sm_PolicyApi_Objects_t nObjectId, Sm_PolicyApi_Oid_t** ppstructObject );
Parameter |
I/O |
Description |
pSessionHandle |
I |
A pointer to an internal Policy Management API data structure. The structure holds information about the administrator session and the client session. |
nObjectId |
I |
The type of global object to retrieve. Object types are enumerated in Sm_PolicyApi_Objects_t. |
ppstructObject |
O |
The address of a pointer to a Sm_PolicyApi_Oid_t structure. |
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