The following script displays the default values for the authentication scheme template HTML Form Template.
Creating an authentication scheme is not necessary. The script uses GetAuthScheme() to retrieve an authentication scheme object for the template, then prints the objects’s default properties:
use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI; $policyapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New(); $session = $policyapi‑>CreateSession("adminid", "adminpwd"); #Retrieve the object for the authentication scheme template $template=$session‑>GetAuthScheme("HTML Form Template"); print "\nDefault values for template " . $template‑>Name(); print "\n Type:\t" . $template‑>Type()‑>Name(); print "\n Description:\t" . $template‑>Description(); print "\n Protection level:\t" . $template‑>ProtectionLevel(); print "\n Library:\t" . $template‑>CustomLib(); print "\n Parameter:\t" . $template‑>CustomParam(); print "\n Shared secret:\t" . $template‑>CustomSecret(); print "\n Is template?:\t" . $template‑>IsTemplate(); print "\n Is used by admin?:\t" . $template‑>IsUsedByAdmin(); print "\n Save credentials?:\t" . $template‑>SaveCredentials(); print "\n Is Radius:\t" . $template‑>IsRadius(); print "\n Ignore pwd ck?:\t" . $template‑>IgnorePwd();
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