The CreateAttribute method creates a Static response attribute for the response.
The CreateAttribute method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtResponse‑>CreateAttribute(attrName, varValue [, TTL])
The CreateAttribute method accepts the following parameters:
attrName (string)
Specifies the name of the attribute to create. Valid attribute names vary with the type of agent associated with the response.
Agent type is specified in the SiteMinder Response Dialog, which is displayed when you create a response. To see the list of attributes associated with a given agent type, select the agent type in the SiteMinder Response Dialog, click Create, then view the choices in the Attribute field of the SiteMinder Response Attribute Editor.
For example, if you are creating a response with a SiteMinder Web Agent type, you can create any of the following response attributes:
varValue (string)
Specifies the value of the static attribute. This value appears in the Value column of the SiteMinder Response Dialog. The value represents either a variable or cookie value or a name/value pair. If you need to specify a name as well as a value, use the form name=value. For example, the attribute WebAgent-HTTP-Header-Variable requires a name/value pair. If the name is show_content and the value is yes, you would assign show_content=yes to varValue.
TTL (int)
(Optional) Specifies the amount of time in seconds that can elapse before the value of the response attribute is recalculated.
Return Value
The CreateAttribute method returns one of the following values:
You cannot create response attributes of type User Attribute or DN Attribute with the Command Line Interface.
See also the descriptions of the PolicyMgtResponse‑>CreateActiveAttribute method and the PolicyMgtResponse‑>CreateVariableAttribute method.
The DeleteAttribute method deletes a response attribute in the response.
The DeleteAttribute method has the following format:
The DeleteAttribute method accepts the following parameter:
respAttr (PolicyMgtResponseAttr)
Specifies the response attribute to delete.
Return Value
The DeleteAttribute method returns one of the following values:
The Description method sets or retrieves the response description.
The Description method has the following format:
The Description method accepts the following parameter:
resDesc (string)
(Optional) Specifies the response description.
Return Value
The Description method returns one of the following values:
The GetAllAttributes method retrieves a list of configured response attributes.
The GetAllAttributes method has the following format:
The GetAllAttributes method accepts no parameters:
Return Value
The GetAllAttributes method returns one of the following values:
The Name method sets or retrieves the response name.
The Name method has the following format:
The Name method accepts the following parameter:
resName (string)
(Optional) Specifies the response name.
Return Value
The Name method returns one of the following values:
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