The following script writes the names of all policy store domains and top-level realms to a text file:
use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI; $destFile="DomainsRealms.txt"; open(DEST,">".$destFile) || die "Open file error: $!"; print DEST "Domains and Domain Realms for Acme North Site\n"; print DEST "Printed " . scalar(localtime).""; $policyapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New(); $session = $policyapi‑>CreateSession("adminid", "adminpwd"); @domains=$session‑>GetAllDomains(); foreach $domain(@domains) { print DEST "\n\nDomain " . $domain‑>Name() . ":"; @realms=$domain‑>GetAllRealms(); foreach $realm(@realms) { print DEST "\n Realm " . $realm‑>Name(); } } print "\nDomain and realm report written to " . $destFile."\n";
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