The following script creates a response and response attribute. Note that GetAgentType() needs to be called to retrieve an agent type object for the call to CreateResponse():
use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI; $policyapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New(); $session = $policyapi‑>CreateSession("adminid", "adminpwd"); $domain = $session‑>GetDomain("Acme North Domain"); $agenttype=$session‑>GetAgentType("Web Agent"); $response=$domain‑>CreateResponse("Welcome to Payroll",$agenttype); if ($response==undef) { print "\nCouldn't create the response."; } else { $attr=$response‑>CreateAttribute("WebAgent-HTTP-Cookie-Variable", "cookiename=mycookie"); if ($attr==undef) { print "\nCouldn't create attribute for ".$response‑>Name(); } else { print "\nCreated response " . $response‑>Name(); print "\nCreated attribute " . $attr‑>GetValue(); } }
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