The AddServer method adds a server to the cluster.
The AddServer method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtCluster‑>AddServer(Host, Port)
The AddServer method accepts the following parameters:
Host (string)
Specifies the host IP address.
Port (int)
Specifies the server port.
Return Value
The AddServer method returns one of the following values:
The servers in a cluster are referenced in an array. When you add a server to a cluster, it is added to the end of the server array.
Due to dynamic load balancing, in which requests are sent to the highest-capacity available server in the cluster, the order in which servers are added to the cluster does not matter.
To add a non-clustered server to a host configuration, call the PolicyMgtHostConfig‑>AddServer method.
The GetAllServers method retrieves an array of all the servers in the cluster.
The GetAllServers method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtCluster‑>GetAllServers( )
The GetAllServers method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The GetAllServers method returns one of the following values:
To retrieve the servers that are not members of clusters, call the PolicyMgtHostConfig‑>GetAllServers method.
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