The ActiveExpr method sets or retrieves the active expression associated with the policy.
The ActiveExpr method has the following format:
The ActiveExpr method accepts the following parameter:
activeExpr (string)
(Optional) Specifies the active expression to set.
Return Value
The ActiveExpr method returns one of the following values:
The AddRule method adds a rule to the policy.
The AddRule method has the following format:
The AddRule method accepts the following parameter:
rule (PolicyMgtRule)
Specifies the rule to add.
Return Value
The AddRule method returns one of the following values:
The AddUser method adds a user to the policy.
The AddUser method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>AddUser(user [, iExcludeUser] [, iRecursiveFlag] [, iANDUserFlag])
The AddUser method accepts the following parameters:
user (PolicyMgtUser)
Specifies the user to add.
iExcludeUser (int)
(Optional) Specifies whether to exclude a user:
iRecursiveFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies the setting for the AllowNested flag:
iANDUserFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies the setting for the AND flag:
1 set the AND flag
0 disables the AND flag
Return Value
The AddUser method returns one of the following values:
The AllowNested method sets or retrieves the AllowNested flag.
The AllowNested method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>AllowNested(user[, iRecursiveFlag])
The AllowNested method accepts the following parameters:
user (PolicyMgtUser)
Specifies the user for which to set or retrieve the AllowNested flag.
iRecursiveFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies the value of the AllowNested flag:
If this is not passed, the function returns the current value of the AllowNested flag. The flag applies to all the users added to the policy for a particular user directory.
Return Value
The AllowNested method returns one of the following values:
The CreateIPConfigHostName method creates an IP Address configuration based on the host name passed to the method. For the policy to fire, a request must come from the machine with the passed host name.
The CreateIPConfigHostName method has the following format:
The CreateIPConfigHostName method accepts the following parameter:
hostName (string)
Specifies the host name required for the policy to fire.
Return Value
The CreateIPConfigHostName method returns one of the following values:
The CreateIPConfigRange method creates an IP Address configuration based on the range of IP addresses passed to the method. For the policy to fire, a request must come from a machine with an IP address that falls within the range.
The CreateIPConfigRange method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>CreateIPConfigRange(ipAddr1, ipAddr2)
The CreateIPConfigRange method accepts the following parameters:
ipAddr1 (string)
Specifies the beginning IP address in the range of accepted addresses.
ipAddr2 (string)
Specifies the ending IP address in the range of accepted addresses.
Return Value
The CreateIPConfigRange method returns one of the following values:
The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method creates an IP Address configuration based on the IP address passed to the method. For the policy to fire, a request must come from the machine with the passed IP address.
The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method has the following format:
The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method accepts the following parameter:
ipAddr (string)
Specifies the IP address required for the policy to fire.
Return Value
The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method returns one of the following values:
The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method creates an IP Address configuration based on the IP address and subnet mask passed to the method. For the policy to fire, a request must come from the subnet address derived from the passed IP address and subnet mask.
The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>CreateIPConfigSubnetMask(ipAddr, subnetMask)
The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method accepts the following parameters:
ipAddr (string)
Specifies the IP address used to derive the subnet address.
subnetMask (unsigned long)
Specifies the subnet mask used to derive the subnet address.
Return Value
The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method returns one of the following values:
The subnet mask value is a number of bits. To arrive at this value, count the bits in the binary value of the address. For example, suppose the subnet mask is The binary format is:
11111111 11111111 11111111 10000000
Counting from left to right, the number to pass in subnetMask would be 25.
The DeleteIPConfig method deletes the specified IP configuration object.
The DeleteIPConfig method has the following format:
The DeleteIPConfig method accepts the following parameters:
ipConfig (PolicyMgtIPConfig)
Specifies the IP configuration object to delete.
Return Value
The DeleteIPConfig method returns one of the following values:
The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the policy.
The Description method has the following format:
The Description method accepts the following parameter:
policyDesc (string)
Specifies the description to set.
Return Value
The Description method returns one of the following values:
The EnforceANDEvaluation method sets or retrieves the ANDUser/Group flag depending on the value of the iANDUserFlag.
The EnforceANDEvaluation method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>EnforceANDEvaluation(user[, iANDUserFlag])
The EnforceANDEvaluation method accepts the following parameters:
user (PolicyMgtUser)
Specifies the user for which to set or retrieve iANDUserFlag.
iANDUserFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies whether to enforce AND evaluation:
1 to enforce AND evaluation
0 to remove AND evaluation
If this argument is not passed, the function returns the current value of iANDUserFlag. This flag applies to all the users added to the policy for a particular user directory.
Return Value
The EnforceANDEvaluation method returns one of the following values:
The ExcludeUser method excludes or includes a user from the policy depending on the value of iExcludeFlag.
The ExcludeUser method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>ExcludeUser(user[, iExcludeFlag])
The ExcludeUser method accepts the following parameters:
user (PolicyMgtUser)
Specifies the user to exclude or include.
iExcludeFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies whether to exclude the specified user:
If this argument is not passed, the function returns the current value of iExcludeFlag.
Return Value
The ExcludeUser method returns one of the following values:
The GetAllIPConfigs method retrieves all IP address restriction objects in the policy.
The GetAllIPConfigs method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>GetAllIPConfigs( )
The GetAllIPConfigs method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The GetAllIPConfigs method returns one of the following values:
See the PolicyMgtIPConfig‑>GetType method for information about IP address restrictions and IP address restriction types.
The GetAllRules method retrieves all rules associated with the policy.
The GetAllRules method has the following format:
The GetAllRules method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The GetAllRules method returns one of the following values:
The GetAllUsers method retrieves all users associated with the policy. If a user directory is specified, only those users associated with that directory are retrieved.
The GetAllUsers method has the following format:
The GetAllUsers method accepts the following parameter:
userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir)
(Optional) Specifies that only users associated with this user directory are retrieved.
Return Value
The GetAllUsers method returns one of the following values:
The IsEnabled method enables or disables the policy.
The IsEnabled method has the following format:
The IsEnabled method accepts the following parameter:
enableFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies whether to enable or disable the policy:
Return Value
The IsEnabled method returns one of the following values:
The Name method sets or retrieves the policy name.
The Name method has the following format:
The Name method accepts the following parameter:
policyName (string)
(Optional) Specifies the name to assign to the policy.
Return Value
The Name method returns one of the following values:
The RemoveResponse method removes the response for a configured rule in the policy.
The RemoveResponse method has the following format:
The RemoveResponse method accepts the following parameter:
rule (PolicyMgtRule)
Specifies the rule whose response should be removed.
Return Value
The RemoveResponse method returns one of the following values:
The RemoveRule method Removes the specified rule from the policy.
The RemoveRule method has the following format:
The RemoveRule method accepts the following parameter:
rule (PolicyMgtRule)
Specifies the rule to remove.
Return Value
The RemoveRule method returns one of the following values:
The RemoveUser method removes a user from the policy.
The RemoveUser method has the following format:
The RemoveUser method accepts the following parameters:
user (PolicyMgtUser)
Specifies the user to remove.
Return Value
The RemoveUser method returns one of the following values:
The SetResponse method sets the response for a configured rule in the policy.
The SetResponse method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtPolicy‑>SetResponse(rule, response)
The SetResponse method accepts the following parameters:
rule (PolicyMgtRule)
Specifies the rule whose response is being set.
response (PolicyMgtResponse)
Specifies the response to set.
Return Value
The SetResponse method returns one of the following values:
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