The AddMessageConsumerPluginToSAML1xScheme method adds a message consumer plug-in class name and parameter to a SAML1x authentication scheme.
The AddMessageConsumerPluginToSAML1xScheme method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>AddMessageConsumerPluginToSAML1xScheme(pluginClass, pluginParam)
The AddMessageConsumerPluginToSAML1xScheme method accepts the following parameters:
pluginClass (string)
Specifies the message consumer plug-in class name.
pluginParam (string)
Specifies the message consumer plug-in parameter name.
Return Value
The AddMessageConsumerPluginToSAML1xScheme method returns one of the following values:
The AddRedirectURLToSAML1xScheme method adds a redirect URL, type, and mode to a SAML1x authentication scheme.
The AddRedirectURLToSAML1xScheme method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>AddRedirectURLToSAML1xScheme(iTypeURL, URL, redirectMode)
The AddRedirectURLToSAML1xScheme method accepts the following parameters:
iTypeURL (int)
Specifies the redirect URL type, which is one of the following values:
0—User Note Found
1— Invalid Message
2—Unaccepted credential
URL (string)
Specifies the redirect URL site.
redirectMode (int)
Specifies the redirect mode, which can be either of the following values:
Return Value
The AddRedirectURLToSAML1xScheme method returns one of the following values:
The AddTargetConfigToSAML1xScheme method sets the default Target and QueryParameterOverridesTarget configuration to a SAML1x authentication scheme.
The AddTargetConfigToSAML1xScheme method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>AddTargetConfigToSAML1xScheme(pszTargetURL, iQPOverrideTarget)
The AddTargetConfigToSAML1xScheme method accepts the following parameters:
pszTargetURL (string)
Specifies the default Target URL.
iQPOverrideTarget (int)
Specifies whether the query parameter overrides the default Target configuration.
Return Value
The AddTargetConfigToSAML1xScheme method returns one of the following values:
The CustomLib method sets or retrieves the name of the shared library that implements the authentication scheme.
The CustomLib method has the following format:
The CustomLib method accepts the following parameter:
libName (string)
(Optional) Specifies the shared library name.
Return Value
The CustomLib method returns one of the following values:
Each pre-defined authentication scheme type is shipped with a default library, but you can use a custom library. If you use a custom authentication scheme, you must specify a custom library.
The CustomParam method sets or retrieves information that is passed to the authentication scheme. You can accept the default parameter for the authentication scheme, or you can specify a new one.
The CustomParam method has the following format:
The CustomParam method accepts the following parameter:
param (string)
(Optional) Specifies the parameter information to pass.
Return Value
The CustomParam method returns one of the following values:
The CustomSecret method sets or retrieves the shared secret for the custom authentication scheme.
The CustomSecret method has the following format:
The CustomSecret method accepts the following parameter:
param (string)
(Optional) Specifies the shared secret.
Return Value
The CustomSecret method returns one of the following values:
The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the authentication scheme.
The Description method has the following format:
The Description method accepts the following parameter:
schemeDesc (string)
(Optional) Specifies the description.
Return Value
The Description method returns one of the following values:
The GetMessageConsumerPluginFromSAML1xScheme method retrieves the message consumer plug-in class name and parameter from a SAML1x authentication scheme.
The GetMessageConsumerPluginFromSAML1xScheme method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>GetMessageConsumerPluginFromSAML1xScheme(pluginClass, pluginParam)
The GetMessageConsumerPluginFromSAML1xScheme method accepts the following parameters:
pluginClass (string)
Specifies the message consumer plug-in class name.
pluginParam (string)
Specifies the message consumer plug-in parameter name.
Return Value
The GetMessageConsumerPluginFromSAML1xScheme method returns one of the following values:
The GetRedirectURLFromSAML1xScheme method retrieves a redirect URL, type, and mode from a SAML1x authentication scheme.
The GetRedirectURLFromSAML1xScheme method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>GetRedirectURLFromSAML1xScheme(iTypeURL, URL, redirectMode)
The GetRedirectURLFromSAML1xScheme method accepts the following parameters:
iTypeURL (int)
Specifies the redirect URL type, which is one of the following values:
0—User Note Found
1— Invalid Message
2—Unaccepted credential
URL (string)
Specifies the redirect URL site.
redirectMode (int)
Specifies the redirect mode, which can be either of the following values:
Return Value
The GetRedirectURLFromSAML1xScheme method returns one of the following values:
The GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme method retrieves the default Target and QueryParameterOverridesTarget configuration from a SAML1x authentication scheme.
The GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme(pszTargetURL, iQPOverrideTarget)
The GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme method accepts the following parameters:
pszTargetURL (string)
Specifies the default Target URL.
iQPOverrideTarget (int)
Specifies whether the query parameter overrides the default Target configuration.
Return Value
The GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme method returns one of the following values:
The IgnorePwd method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether password policies should be checked for the authentication scheme.
The IgnorePwd method has the following format:
The IgnorePwd method accepts the following parameter:
pwdFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies whether to ignore password policies (set to 1), or enforce them (set to 0).
Return Value
The IgnorePwd method returns one of the following values:
The IsRadius method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether the authentication scheme supports RADIUS agents.
The IsRadius method has the following format:
The IsRadius method accepts the following parameter:
radFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies whether the authentication scheme supports RADIUS agents (1=yes; 0=no).
Return Value
The IsRadius method returns one of the following values:
The IsTemplate method retrieves the flag value that indicates whether the authentication scheme is a template.
The IsTemplate method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>IsTemplate( )
The IsTemplate method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The IsTemplate method returns one of the following values:
Setting an authentication scheme as a template with the Perl Policy Management API is deprecated in SiteMinder v6.0 SP3.
The IsUsedByAdmin method determines whether the scheme should be used to authenticate administrators.
The IsUsedByAdmin method has the following format:
The IsUsedByAdmin method accepts the following parameter:
useAdminFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies whether the scheme should be used to authenticate administrators:
Return Value
The IsUsedByAdmin method returns one of the following values:
The Name method sets or retrieves the name of the authentication scheme.
The Name method has the following format:
The Name method accepts the following parameter:
authSchemeName (string)
(Optional) Specifies the name to assign to the authentication scheme.
Return Value
The Name method returns one of the following values:
The ProtectionLevel method sets or retrieves the protection level of the authentication scheme.
The ProtectionLevel method has the following format:
The ProtectionLevel method accepts the following parameter:
nlevel (int)
(Optional) Specifies the protection level to set.
Return Value
The ProtectionLevel method returns one of the following values:
The level can vary from 1 to 1000. The higher the number, the more secure is the scheme. With Anonymous authentication schemes, set this value to 0.
The Save method saves the authentication scheme to the policy store.
The Save method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtAuthScheme‑>Save( )
The Save method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The Save method returns one of the following values:
Call this method once after making all the modifications to the authentication scheme that you intend to make. This method must be called for any changes to take effect.
The SaveCredentials method sets or retrieves the flag that allows user credentials to be saved.
The SaveCredentials method has the following format:
The SaveCredentials method accepts the following parameter:
credFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies the flag value:
Return Value
The SaveCredentials method returns one of the following values:
The Type method sets or retrieves the authentication scheme type.
The Type method has the following format:
The Type method accepts the following parameter:
template (PolicyMgtAuthScheme)
(Optional) Specifies the authentication scheme type.
Return Value
The Type method returns one of the following values:
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