When you configure an authentication scheme through a Perl script, you provide information that would otherwise be provided through the Authentication Scheme Properties dialog of the Administrative UI. This section describes the information you need to configure a given authentication scheme using the Policy Management API.
Note: When modifying an authentication scheme, be sure to call Save() after calling all the configuration methods.
Typically, you configure an authentication scheme when you create the scheme with CreateAuthScheme() or when you modify the scheme with the methods in the PolicyMgtAuthScheme object.
Note: The exception to this rule is an authentication scheme based on the SAML 2.0 Template. You create and configure a SAML 2.0 authentication scheme with the method CreateSAMLAuthScheme().
You can provide the following kinds of configuration information for an authentication scheme. Not every authentication scheme template uses all categories of configuration information:
SiteMinder provides a number of standard authentication scheme types (also known as templates). Each authentication scheme type is configured differently.
Brief description of the authentication scheme.
Protection level values can range from 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater the degree of protection provided by the scheme.
An authentication scheme library performs authentication processing for the associated authentication scheme type. Each predefined authentication scheme is shipped with a default library. Optionally, you can use a custom library instead of the default.
Additional information that the authentication scheme requires, such as the URL of an HTML login page.
With some authentication schemes, the parameter information is constructed from field values in the Scheme Type Setup tab of the Authentication Scheme Properties dialog. To see how a parameter string is constructed for a given scheme type, open this dialog, select the appropriate scheme type, provide values to the fields in the Scheme Type Setup tab, and view the constructed parameter in the Advanced tab.
Information that is known to both the authentication scheme and the Policy Server. Different authentication schemes use different kinds of secrets. Most schemes use no secret.
A flag that specifies whether the authentication scheme is a template.
Note: Setting an authentication scheme as a template with the Perl Policy Management API is deprecated in SiteMinder v6.0 SP3.
A flag that specifies whether the authentication scheme can be used to authenticate administrators.
A flag that specifies whether the user’s credentials are saved.
A flag that specifies whether the scheme can be used with RADIUS agents.
A flag that specifies whether password policies for the scheme are enabled. If 1, password policies are disabled.
Note: The Ignore password check flag must be set to True for anonymous authentication schemes.
The following tables will help you configure authentication schemes. Each table applies to a particular authentication scheme type and contains the following information:
The values in the Information Type column can be used for different purposes in different authentication schemes. For example, with TeleID authentication schemes, the shared secret is used to supply the encryption seed.
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type Anonymous.
Note: The Ignore password check flag must be set to True for anonymous authentication schemes.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
Type(templateObject) The scheme type Anonymous. |
Description |
Description(schemeDesc) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
ProtectionLevel(0) Set to 0. Not applicable to this scheme type. |
Library |
CustomLib("smauthanon") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
CustomParam(param) A string containing the guest DN. Policies associated with the guest DN must apply to anonymous users. |
Shared secret |
CustomSecret("") CreateAuthScheme() param: secret Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
IsTemplate(templateFlag) Set to 0 to indicate that the scheme is not a template. Any other value is ignored. |
Is used by administrator? |
IsUsedByAdmin(0) Set to 0—scheme is not used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
SaveCredentials(0) Set to 0 to indicate that user credentials will not be saved. |
IsRadius(0) Set to 0—scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
IgnorePwd(1) Set to 1—ignore password checking. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type Basic over SSL.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
Type(templateObject) The scheme type Basic over SSL. |
Description |
Description(schemeDesc) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
ProtectionLevel(nLevel) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 10. |
Library |
CustomLib("smauthcert") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
CustomParam(param) A string containing the domain or IP address of the SSL server and the name of the SSL Credentials Collector (SCC). Format: https://server/SCC?basic The following example uses the default SCC: https://my.server.com/siteminderagent/ |
Shared secret |
CustomSecret("") CreateAuthScheme() param: secret Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
IsTemplate(templateFlag) Set to 0 to indicate that the scheme is not a template. Any other value is ignored. |
Is used by administrator? |
IsUsedByAdmin(0) Set to 0 for this scheme. |
Save credentials? |
SaveCredentials(0) Set to 0 to indicate that user credentials will not be saved. |
IsRadius(0) Set to 0—scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
IgnorePwd(flag) Set to 1 to ignore password checking, or 0 to check passwords. Default is 0. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type Basic.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
Type(templateObject) The scheme type Basic. |
Description |
Description(schemeDesc) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
ProtectionLevel(nLevel) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 5. |
Library |
CustomLib("smauthdir") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
CustomParam("") Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Shared secret |
CustomSecret("") CreateAuthScheme() param: secret Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
IsTemplate(templateFlag) Set to 0 to indicate that the scheme is not a template. Any other value is ignored. |
Is used by administrator? |
IsUsedByAdmin(1) Set to 1—scheme can be used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
SaveCredentials(0) Set to 0 to indicate that user credentials will not be saved. |
IsRadius(1) Set to 1—scheme can be used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
IgnorePwd(flag) Set to 1 to ignore password checking, or 0 to check passwords. Default is 0. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type Custom. You create custom schemes using the C-language Authentication API, which is available with the SiteMinder SDK.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
Type(templateObject) The scheme type Custom. |
Description |
Description(schemeDesc) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
ProtectionLevel(nLevel) A value of 0 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 5. |
Library |
CustomLib(customLibName) The name of the custom shared library you created using the C Authentication API. |
Parameter |
CustomParam(param) Any string of one or more parameters required by your custom authentication scheme. For a custom authentication scheme that uses SSL, you must supply a URL that points to a SiteMinder Web Agent library required for the SSL-based authentication. |
Shared secret |
CustomSecret(secret) CreateAuthScheme() param: secret The shared secret, if any, that your custom authentication scheme uses for encryption of credentials. |
Is template? |
IsTemplate(templateFlag) Set to 0 to indicate that the scheme is not a template. Any other value is ignored. |
Is used by administrator? |
IsUsedByAdmin(flag) Set to true (1) to specify that the scheme can be used to authenticate administrators, or to false (0) to specify that the scheme cannot be used to authenticate administrators. Default is 0. |
Save credentials? |
SaveCredentials(0) Set to 0 to indicate that user credentials will not be saved. |
IsRadius(0) |
Ignore password check? |
IgnorePwd(flag) Set to 1 to ignore password checking, or 0 to check passwords. Default is 0. |
Use this table when configuring an authentication scheme based on the scheme type HTML Form.
Information Type |
Value Assignment and Meaning |
Scheme type |
Type(templateObject) The scheme type HTML Form. |
Description |
Description(schemeDesc) The description of the authentication scheme. |
Protection level |
ProtectionLevel(nLevel) A value of 1 through 1000. The higher the number, the greater degree of protection provided by the scheme. Default is 5. |
Library |
CustomLib("smauthhtml") The default library for this scheme type. |
Parameter |
CustomParam(param) A string containing a user attribute list plus the location of the forms credential collector (FCC). The attribute list must begin with AL= and use commas as the list delimiter character, and it must end with a semicolon—for example: AL=Password,SSN,age,zipcode; The complete parameter format is: attr-list;https:/server/fcc The following example uses the default FCC: AL=PASSWORD,SSN,age,zipcode; |
Shared secret |
CustomSecret("") CreateAuthScheme() param: secret Set to an empty string. Not applicable to this scheme. |
Is template? |
IsTemplate(templateFlag) Set to 0 to indicate that the scheme is not a template. Any other value is ignored. |
Is used by administrator? |
IsUsedByAdmin(0) Set to 0—scheme is not used to authenticate administrators. |
Save credentials? |
SaveCredentials(credFlag) Set to 1 to indicate that user credentials should be saved, or 0 to indicate that user credentials should not be saved. Default is 0. |
IsRadius(0) Set to 0—scheme is not used with RADIUS agents. |
Ignore password check? |
IgnorePwd(flag) Set to 1 to ignore password checking, or 0 to check passwords. Default is 0. |
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