The CreateSession method creates a Policy Server session. A session is required before Policy Server objects can be manipulated. All necessary initializations and logging are performed at this stage.
The CreateSession method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>CreateSession(username, userpwd[, clientIP])
The CreateSession method accepts the following parameters:
username (string)
Specifies the administrator's login ID.
userpwd (string)
Specifies the administrator's password.
clientIP (string)
(Optional) Specifies the IP address of the local machine.
The CreateSession method returns one of the following values:
The DisableAudit method sets a flag to enable or disable auditing.
The DisableAudit method has the following format:
The DisableAudit method accepts the following parameter:
auditFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies the value to set the flag:
Return Value
The DisableAudit method returns one of the following values:
Reads or sets the enabled state for the following operations:
The default state is enabled. The enabled state reverts to the default at the start of each new session.
Attempting to set the enabled state has no effect after the PolicyMgtAPI‑>CreateSession method is called.
The DisbleCacheUpdates method is deprecated in SiteMinder v6.0. Caches affected by this method are automatically enabled.
The DisableManagementWatchdog method reads or sets the enabled state of the SiteMinder Management Watchdog.
Note: The watchdog is used internally and should not be disabled.
The DisableManagementWatchdog method has the following format:
The DisableManagementWatchdog method accepts the following parameter:
watchDogFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies the value of the flag to set:
Return Value
The DisableManagementWatchdog method returns one of the following values:
The default state is enabled. The enabled state reverts to the default at the start of each new session.
Attempting to set the enabled state has no effect after PolicyMgtAPI‑>CreateSession is called.
The DisableValidation method reads or sets the enabled state regarding validation of Policy Server objects.
The DisableValidation method has the following format:
The DisableValidation method accepts the following parameter:
validationFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies the value to set the flag::
Return Value
The DisableValidation method returns one of the following values:
The default state is enabled. The enabled state reverts to the default at the start of each new session.
Attempting to set the enabled state has no effect after the PolicyMgtAPI‑>CreateSession method is called.
The EnableCache method is deprecated in SiteMinder v6.0. Beginning with this release, caches affected by this method are automatically enabled.
The LoadAgentTypeDirectory method reads or sets the enabled state for the loading of the agent type dictionary by the Policy Server.
The LoadAgentTypeDirectory method has the following format:
The LoadAgentTypeDirectory method accepts the following parameter:
loadFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies the value to set the flag:
0 to disable loading the agent type dictionary
1 to enable loading the agent type dictionary
Return Value
The LoadAgentTypeDirectory method returns one of the following values:
The default state is disabled. The enabled state reverts to the default at the start of each new session.
Attempting to set the enabled state has no effect after the PolicyMgtAPI‑>CreateSession method is called.
The New method is the constructor for the Policy Management API. This method must be called before the Policy Management API can be used.
The New method has the following format:
Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New( )
The New method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The New method returns one of the following values:
The PreLoadCache method reads or sets the enabled state for preloading of caches by the Policy Server.
The PreLoadCache method has the following format:
The PreLoadCache method accepts the following parameter:
cacheFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies the value to set the flag:
Return Value
The PreLoadCache method returns one of the following values:
The default state is disabled. The enabled state reverts to the default at the start of each new session.
Attempting to set the enabled state has no effect after the PolicyMgtAPI‑>CreateSession method is called.
Note: By disabling this flag, you can reduce the time it takes for Policy Management scripts to make policy store changes.
The PrintDebugTrace method enables or disables the printing of debug (trace) information to the console.
The PrintDebugTrace method has the following format:
The PrintDebugTrace method accepts the following parameter:
debugFlag (int)
(Optional) Specifies the value to set the flag:
Return Value
The PrintDebugTrace method returns one of the following values:
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