The GetFlags method retrieves the response attribute's flags.
The GetFlags method has the following format:
The GetFlags method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The GetFlags method returns the following value:
The GetID method retrieves a response attribute ID or an agent command ID.
The GetID method has the following format:
The GetID method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The GetID method returns a response attribute ID after AgentResponse‑>GetAttributes is called or an agent command ID after AgentAPI‑>DoManagement is called. In either case, the return value's type is long.
Specifies the internal SiteMinder object ID for the user directory where the user was authenticated.
Specifies the user's universal ID.
Specifies the user's identity ticket.
Note: This value is returned if user tracking is enabled.
Specifies the maximum time in minutes, during which actual session data is validated against session data stored in a cookie.
Specifies the directory name as it appears in the Name field of the SiteMinder User Directory dialog.
Specifies the server specification as it appears in the Server field of the SiteMinder User Directory dialog.
Specifies the user directory's namespace: LDAP, AD, WinNT, or ODBC.
Specifies the text presented to the user following an authentication attempt.
Note: This text could be an authentication challenge or a reason why authentication failed.
Specifies the user's distinguished name.
Instructs the agent to update the name of the affiliate agent.
Instructs the agent to update its "next" agent key.
Note: The encrypted value contains 24 bytes of binary data.
Instructs the agent to update its "last" agent key.
Note: The encrypted value contains 24 bytes of binary data.
Instructs the agent to update its "current" agent key.
Note: The encrypted value contains 24 bytes of binary data.
Instructs the agent to update its static (persistent) agent key.
Note: The encrypted value contains 24 bytes of binary data.
Instructs the agent to flush all information in its caches.
Instructs the agent to flush all user information stored in its caches.
Instructs the agent to flush all cache information for a given user.
Instructs the agent to flush all resource information stored in its caches.
Instructs the agent to flush all resource information for a given realm.
The GetName method retrieves the name of the response attribute.
The GetName method has the following format:
The GetName method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The GetName method returns the following value:
The GetTTL method retrieves the response attribute's Time To Live (TTL) value.
The GetTTL method has the following format:
The GetTTL method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The GetTTL method returns the following value:
The GetValue method retrieves the response attribute's value.
The GetValue method has the following format:
The GetValue method accepts no parameters.
Return Value
The GetValue method returns the following value:
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