Installation and Upgrade Guides › Policy Server Installation Guide › Unattended Installation
Unattended Installation
Unattended Installation Introduced
After you install a SiteMinder component, you can install the component again using an unattended installation. An unattended installation lets you complete the installation without user interaction. You can use an unattended installation to install the following components:
- A Policy Server
- An Administrative UI
- A Report Server
Unattended Installation Guidelines
Each SiteMinder component is associated with its own properties file or files. The following guidelines apply to all properties files. Review them before starting an unattended installation:
- Back up the default properties file before modifying it.
- Do not add extra spaces between a parameter name, the equal sign (=), and the parameter value.
- Save the file after you change it.
- Do not manually edit encrypted passwords. These passwords are encrypted for security reasons and cannot be edited in plain text. If you want to add plain text passwords, comment out the encrypted password parameter and uncomment the plain text reference.
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