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Configure the SNMP Agent on UNIX Systems

Follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the NETE_PS_ROOT environment variable is set to the SiteMinder installation directory. The Policy Server installation program should have already done this.

    Example: /home/smuser/siteminder

  2. Edit the file /etc/snmp/conf/
    1. Set the correct JRE path: JAVA_HOME=$INSTALL_HOME/bin/jdk/<required_version>/jre
    2. Set the correct SiteMinder path:

      Example: INSTALL_HOME=/home/smuser/siteminder

      Note: The INSTALL_HOME variable should contain the full path for the SiteMinder installation directory.

  3. Restart the SNMP daemon on Solaris
    1. Become root.
    2. Goto /etc/rc3.d.
    3. Execute the S76snmpdx script twice, as follows:

      sh S76snmpdx stop to stop the running Solaris master agent.

      sh S76snmpdx start to start the Solaris master agent and Netegrity subagent.