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Configure the SNMP Agent on Windows

Follow these steps:

  1. Be sure that the NETE_PS_ROOT environment variable is set to the SiteMinder installation directory. The Policy Server installation program should have already done this.
  2. Open siteminder_home\config\snmp.conf file and edit the last row to contain the full path to siteminder_home\log\snmp.log.

    Note: You only need to do this if you did not specify the Policy Server installation program to automatically configure SNMP.

    Correct example: LOG_FILE=C:\Program Files\Netegrity\siteminder\ log\snmp.LOG

    Incorrect example: LOG_FILE=$NETE_PS_ROOT\log\snmp.log

  3. Edit the windows_dir/java_service.ini file.

    Note: You only need to do this if you did not specify the Policy Server installation to automatically configure SNMP.

    1. Set SERVICE_BINARY_NAME to the full path name of JavaService.exe.

      Example: SERVICE_BINARY_NAME=c:\winnt\JavaService.exe

    2. Set WORKING_DIR to the full path to directory siteminder_home\bin:

      Example: WORKING_DIR=C:\Program files\Netegrity\siteminder\bin

    3. Set JRE_PATH to the full path of javaw.exe.
  4. Run siteminder_home\bin\thirdparty\proxyreg.exe to change the registry keys for the apadll.dll and snmp.conf:
    proxyreg.exe full_path_for_apadll.dll full_path_for_snmp.conf

    Important! Before running a SiteMinder utility or executable on Windows Server 2008, open the command-line window with administrator permissions. Open the command-line window this way, even if your account has administrator privileges.

    Example: proxyreg.exe "c:\program files\netegrity\siteminder\ bin\ thirdparty\apadll.dll" "c:\programfiles\netegrity\ siteminder\ config\ snmp.conf"

  5. Run WINNT dir/JavaService.exe with the -install option, to register the Netegrity SNMP agent as a WINNT service.
  6. Start the Netegrity SNMP agent by using the Windows Services dialog box.
  7. Restart the SNMP service.