The Policy Server Management Console (or Management Console) provides a range of Policy Server configuration and system management options. The Management Console has a tab-based user interface in which information and controls are grouped together by function and presented together on tabs in a single window.
Important! The Policy Server Management Console should only be run by users who are members of the administrator group in Microsoft Windows.
Follow these steps:
Select the Policy Server Management Console icon in the SiteMinder program group.
Important! If you are accessing this graphical user interface on Windows Server 2008, open the shortcut with Administrator permissions. Use Administrator permissions even if you are logged in to the system as an Administrator. For more information, see the release notes for your SiteMinder component.
Run installation_directory/siteminder/bin/smconsole.
Note: To run the Policy Server Management Console on UNIX:
export DISPLAY=n.n.n.n:0.0
Specifies the IP address of the Policy Server host system.
On any tab in the Management Console, click:
Note: You must stop and restart the Authentication and Authorization processes to put Management Console settings changes into effect. The Policy Server cannot use the new settings until these services restart.
The browser–based CA SiteMinder Administrative UI primarily enables management of Policy Server objects, but also provides some system management functionality.
To access the Administrative UI
Specifies the fully qualified domain name of the Administrative UI host system.
Specifies the port on which the application server, which is hosting the Administrative UI, is listening. If you installed the Administrative UI using the stand–alone option, enter 8080.
The login page for the Administrative UI appears.
If you are accessing the Policy Server for the first–time, use the default superuser administrator account, which you created during Policy Server installation.
The Administrative UI opens.
The contents of the window depend on the privileges of the administrator account you used to log in. You only see the items to which your account has access.
Access to the XPS tools included with SiteMinder must be granted to individual users by an Administrator using the Administrative UI.
Follow these steps:
Note: The user path (specified in the Administrative UI or with the XPSSecurity tool by an Administrator) is required for write access to any of the settings controlled by the XPS Tools. A user path has the following format:
namespace://directory_server/DN or Login_for_OS
Grants access to the XPS expression evaluation tool.
Grants access to the tool that edits the XPS database.
Grants access to the XPS tool that registers Web Access Managers or Reports servers as privileged clients.
Grants access to the security tool which creates XPS users and specifies their XPS-related privileges.
The administrator has permission to use the selected XPS tools.
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