Policy Server Guides › Policy Server Administration Guide › Using the OneView Monitor › OneView Monitor Overview › Configure the OneView Monitor › Setting The OneView Data Refresh Rate and Heartbeat
Setting The OneView Data Refresh Rate and Heartbeat
You can change how often data is sent between the OneView Monitor and a monitored component by modifying the following settings:
- Refresh rate determines how often the OneView Monitor requests data from the authentication and authorization servers. The default refresh rate is 5 seconds.
- Heartbeat specifies how often monitored components send a heartbeat to the Monitor. For the authentication and authorization servers, the heartbeat indicates whether or not the component is active. For the Web Agent, the heartbeat determines how often the Monitor receives the Web Agent’s operational data. The default value is 30 seconds.
To modify the default values
- Open Policy_Server_installation/monitor/mon.conf.
- Change the value paired with the following properties, as necessary:
- Refresh rate: nete.mon.refreshPeriod
- Hearbeat: nete.mon.hbPeriod
Note: The value for these properties is specified in seconds.
- Save and close mon.conf.
- Restart the OneView Monitor.
More information:
Start and Stop Policy Server Services on Windows Systems
Start and Stop Policy Server Processes on UNIX Systems
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