Policy Server Guides › Policy Server Administration Guide › Using the OneView Monitor › OneView Monitor Overview › Access the OneView Viewer › How to Customize OneView Displays
How to Customize OneView Displays
Customizing OneView displays includes:
Set Up Tables
To set up tables
- Click Configure.
The Table Configuration dialog box opens.
- Complete one of the following options:
- Select Existing Table. Choose a table from the list box.
- Select New Custom Table. Enter a name in the Table Name field.
- Select components to display in the table.
- Select the fields to display in the table. Specify the order in which the fields are displayed by selecting a field and using the up or down arrow to position the field. The available fields are determined by the type of component(s) selected for the table.
Note: The value for some of the fields can be displayed as a continuously increasing number (reset when the component is restarted) or as an average since the last update period. To view the average value, select a field name with /sec appended to it.
- Click OK.
Note: Make sure to save the table after configuring it.
More information:
Save Settings
Configure Alerts
To configure alerts
- Click Configure.
- Click the Alerts tab.
- Select a field from the left list box. This list box contains all of the fields in the currently loaded tables.
- Select an operator from the middle list box.
- Specify a value for the field that you selected in step 3.
- Optionally, select Highlight the table cell to have OneView highlight the specified table cell when the specified criteria is met.
- Optionally, select Pop up a warning message to have OneView display a pop-up window when the specified criteria is met.
Display Tables
To display tables, select a table from the View Table list box in the main viewer page. When you select a table from this list, OneView displays the selected table below the existing table.
To hide a table, click the Hide button.
Sort Tables
You can sort the data in each column in a table in ascending or descending order. Sorting columns helps organize a table. For example, sorting a table based on Status enables you to view all inactive components grouped together.
Note: An arrow in the column heading indicates which column is sorted.
Configure Data Updates
By default, OneView updates data every thirty seconds. You can:
- Modify the amount of time that passes between automatic updates
- Configure the OneView to update data only when you refresh the browser
To configure data updates
- Click Updates.
SiteMinder opens the Updates dialog box.
- Select one of the following:
- Live Updates--Updates the data after a specified period of time. Specify the time interval in seconds.
- Manual Updates--Updates the data when a user refreshes the page.
- Click OK.
Save Settings
Saving a setting saves:
- Table definitions
- Main page display
- Table sorting
- Update rate
To save settings
- Click Save Settings.
SiteMinder displays a dialog box where you can name the settings.
- Enter a name in the text box.
- Click OK.
Change the Default Display
To change the default display
- Rename the defaults file in siteminder_installation\monitor\settings.
- In the OneView Monitor console, configure the settings.
- Save the settings as defaults.
Load Settings
To load settings
- Click Load Settings.
SiteMinder displays a dialog box where you can select settings to load.
- Select a setting from the list box.
- Click OK.
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