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How to Customize OneView Displays

Customizing OneView displays includes:

Set Up Tables

To set up tables

  1. Click Configure.

    The Table Configuration dialog box opens.

  2. Complete one of the following options:
  3. Select components to display in the table.
  4. Select the fields to display in the table. Specify the order in which the fields are displayed by selecting a field and using the up or down arrow to position the field. The available fields are determined by the type of component(s) selected for the table.

    Note: The value for some of the fields can be displayed as a continuously increasing number (reset when the component is restarted) or as an average since the last update period. To view the average value, select a field name with /sec appended to it.

  5. Click OK.

    Note: Make sure to save the table after configuring it.

More information:

Save Settings

Configure Alerts

To configure alerts

  1. Click Configure.
  2. Click the Alerts tab.
  3. Select a field from the left list box. This list box contains all of the fields in the currently loaded tables.
  4. Select an operator from the middle list box.
  5. Specify a value for the field that you selected in step 3.
  6. Optionally, select Highlight the table cell to have OneView highlight the specified table cell when the specified criteria is met.
  7. Optionally, select Pop up a warning message to have OneView display a pop-up window when the specified criteria is met.

Display Tables

To display tables, select a table from the View Table list box in the main viewer page. When you select a table from this list, OneView displays the selected table below the existing table.

To hide a table, click the Hide button.

Sort Tables

You can sort the data in each column in a table in ascending or descending order. Sorting columns helps organize a table. For example, sorting a table based on Status enables you to view all inactive components grouped together.

Note: An arrow in the column heading indicates which column is sorted.

Configure Data Updates

By default, OneView updates data every thirty seconds. You can:

To configure data updates

  1. Click Updates.

    SiteMinder opens the Updates dialog box.

  2. Select one of the following:
  3. Click OK.

Save Settings

Saving a setting saves:

To save settings

  1. Click Save Settings.

    SiteMinder displays a dialog box where you can name the settings.

  2. Enter a name in the text box.
  3. Click OK.

Change the Default Display

To change the default display

  1. Rename the defaults file in siteminder_installation\monitor\settings.
  2. In the OneView Monitor console, configure the settings.
  3. Save the settings as defaults.

Load Settings

To load settings

  1. Click Load Settings.

    SiteMinder displays a dialog box where you can select settings to load.

  2. Select a setting from the list box.
  3. Click OK.