In both UNIX and Windows installations of the Policy Server, one or more executive applications monitor the status of Policy Server processes and automatically restart any processes that fail. The following sections describe how to start and stop Policy Server processes based on your platform and how to configure, disable, and enable the UNIX and Windows executives.
For Windows, each Policy Server process is monitored by a separate executive. Each of these executives reads the following threshold values from the Policy_Server_installation_ path\config\siteminder.conf configuration file:
Indicates the minimum amount of time (in seconds) a Policy Server service must run after startup before the associated executive stops monitoring for frequent crashes. The default value for this parameter is 60 seconds.
Indicates the maximum number of times the executive attempts to restart a service in the time specified by the SMEXEC_UPTIME_THRESHOLD parameter. If a service crashes more than the number of attempts specified by this parameter, the executive stops attempting to restart the service. The default value for this parameter is five attempts.
To change the threshold parameters, edit the siteminder.conf file and restart the Policy Server processes.
For UNIX, the Policy Server and Health Monitor processes are monitored by a single executive. The executive reads its settings from the following configuration file:
You can edit this file to change the following settings:
Indicates the state of the Policy Server process when the executive starts running. Set this parameter to YES to enable the process at executive startup.
Indicates the state of the health monitor process when the executive starts running. Set this parameter to YES to enable the process at executive startup.
Indicates the minimum amount of time (in seconds) a Policy Server service must run after startup before the associated executive stops monitoring for frequent crashes. The default value for this parameter is 60.
Indicates the maximum number of times the executive attempts to restart a service in the time specified by the SMEXEC_UPTIME_THRESHOLD parameter. If a service crashes more than the number of attempts specified by this parameter, the executive stops attempting to restart the service. The default value for this parameter is five attempts.
To change any of the UNIX Executive parameters
The Policy Server processes stop.
The UNIX executive restarts using the new settings in the siteminder.conf file.
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