The Policy Server can generate the session ticket key using an algorithm, or you can enter the session ticket key manually. A session ticket is established each time a user authenticates successfully and enables the Policy Server to determine how long a user’s session can continue.
Note: The only implementation that requires a manually assigned session ticket key is one that includes multiple, independent key stores. Automatically generated keys cannot be propagated across independent key stores by the Policy Server. In all other instances it is recommended that you use the session ticket key generated by the Policy Server algorithm.
The Policy Server can generate the session ticket key using a method similar to the one for generating dynamic agent keys. Randomly generating the session ticket key lets the Policy Server use an algorithm to create the key used for encryption and decryption.
Follow these steps:
The Policy Server generates a new session ticket key. This key immediately replaces the one that is used to encrypt and decrypt session tickets.
The Policy Server immediately replaces the existing session ticket key with the value you entered.
If your Policy Server is part of an implementation that includes multiple key stores, you can manually enter the session ticket key.
Follow these steps:
The Policy Server immediately replaces the existing session ticket key with the value you entered.
When a single Policy Server generates encryption keys in an environment with multiple Policy Servers that connect to disparate policy stores, but share a central key store, an additional registry setting is required. This registry setting configures each Policy Server to poll the common key store and retrieve new encryption keys at a regular interval.
To configure the EnableKeyUpdate registry key on a Windows Policy Server
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Netegrity\SiteMinder\ CurrentVersion\ObjectStore
To configure the EnableKeyUpdate registry key on a UNIX Policy Server
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Netegrity\SiteMinder\ CurrentVersion\ObjectStore
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