The previous versions of SiteMinder automatically re—challenged users for their credentials when a realm timeout occurred. This challenge occurred even when multiple sessions existed on the Policy Server.
This version offers an option of having the Policy Server examine all of the sessions in its list before challenging the user.
The following parameter controls this option:
Specifies whether the Policy Server challenges users for their credentials after a realm timeout occurs. This challenge occurs because the first session in the Policy Server expires. The Policy Server does not examine the other associated sessions in its list. When the value of this parameter is yes, the Policy Server checks only the first session in the list. Then the user is challenged. When the value of this parameter is no, the Policy server checks all the sessions in its list before challenging users.
Default: No (all sessions are checked upon a realm timeout)
To examine only the first session in the list when a realm timeout occurs, change the value of the compatRealmtimeouts parameter to yes.
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