Installation and Upgrade Guides › Web Agent Installation Guide for Apache-based servers › Uninstall a Web Agent › Uninstall an Apache-based Agent from a z/OS System
Uninstall an Apache-based Agent from a z/OS System
These instructions are for GUI and Console Mode removal. The steps for the two modes are the same, with these exceptions for Console Mode:
- Select the option that you want by entering a corresponding number.
- Press Enter after each step to proceed through the process instead of "clicking Next," as stated in the following procedure.
Note: Before you uninstall, we recommend copying your agent configuration settings to have as a backup.
Follow these steps:
- Log in as a root user.
- Stop the web server.
- Run the configuration wizard to remove the configuration settings of the agents that you want to remove.
- Open a shell and navigate to the directory where the SiteMinder agent is installed:
- If necessary, verify that you have execute permissions on the uninstallation program by entering the following command:
chmod +x installation_media
- installation_media
Specifies the Policy Server installer executable.
- Perform one of the following procedures:
- Read the information in the dialog to confirm the removal of the SiteMinder agent, then click Uninstall. The SiteMinder agent is removed from the system.
- Click Done to exit the uninstallation program.
- (Optional) Remove the lines from the httpd.conf file that the Configuration Wizard added.
- Change to your home directory (the current directory has been deleted).
- Restart the web servers.
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