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Uninstall an Apache-based Agent from a z/OS System

These instructions are for GUI and Console Mode removal. The steps for the two modes are the same, with these exceptions for Console Mode:

Note: Before you uninstall, we recommend copying your agent configuration settings to have as a backup.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in as a root user.
  2. Stop the web server.
  3. Run the configuration wizard to remove the configuration settings of the agents that you want to remove.
  4. Open a shell and navigate to the directory where the SiteMinder agent is installed:
  5. If necessary, verify that you have execute permissions on the uninstallation program by entering the following command:
    chmod +x installation_media

    Specifies the Policy Server installer executable.

  6. Perform one of the following procedures:
  7. Read the information in the dialog to confirm the removal of the SiteMinder agent, then click Uninstall. The SiteMinder agent is removed from the system.
  8. Click Done to exit the uninstallation program.
  9. (Optional) Remove the lines from the httpd.conf file that the Configuration Wizard added.
  10. Change to your home directory (the current directory has been deleted).
  11. Restart the web servers.