Installation and Upgrade Guides › Web Agent Installation Guide for Oracle iPlanet › Uninstall a Web Agent › Uninstall an Oracle iPlanet Agent from a UNIX System
Uninstall an Oracle iPlanet Agent from a UNIX System
These instructions are for GUI and Console Mode removal.
Note: Removing a Web Agent from a 64-bit SuSE Linux 10 system requires additional preparations.
Be aware of the following:
- All Web Agents for all installed web servers will be uninstalled.
- The Password Services and Forms directories, (pw_default, jpw_default, samples_default) will be removed. However, the non-default copies of these directories (pw, jpw, samples) are not removed because these directories may contain customized files.
The steps for the two modes are the same, with these exceptions for Console Mode:
- Select an option by entering a corresponding number.
- Press Enter after each step to proceed through the process.
Note: Before you uninstall, we recommend copying your agent configuration settings to have as a backup.
Follow these steps:
- Stop the web server.
- Log in to the UNIX system.
- Run the configuration wizard to remove the configuration settings of the agents that you want to remove.
- Navigate to the directory where the Web Agent is installed: web_agent_home/install_config_info/ca-wa-uninstall
- Verify that the unistallation program has execute permissions. For example, use the following command:
chmod +x ca-wa-uninstall
- From a console window, enter one of the following commands:
- GUI mode: ./ca–wa–uninstall
- Console mode: ./ca–wa–uninstall -i console
The uninstallation program starts.
- Read the information in the dialog to confirm the removal of the Web Agent, then click Uninstall. The Web Agent is removed from the system.
- Click Done to exit the uninstallation program.
- Change to your home directory (the current directory has been deleted).
- Restart the web servers.
Note: For Oracle iPlanet web servers, the obj.conf, magnus.conf, and mime.types files are restored to their original settings that existed before the agent was installed.
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