You can use metadata as a basis for creating remote entities and forming a partnership. Metadata makes partnership configuration more efficient because many aspects of an entity are already defined in the metadata file. The metadata file can be imported to create a partnership or remote entity.
You can export metadata from an existing local asserting or relying entity. When you export SAML 1.1 data, the terms used in the resulting metadata file are SAML 2.0 terms. This convention adheres to the SAML specification. When you import the SAML 1.1 data, the terms are imported correctly using SAML 1.1 terminology.
Follow these steps:
The Export Metadata dialog opens.
Note: When you export metadata from a local entity, you are asked to specify a new partnership name.
Note: Click Help for a description of fields, controls, and their respective requirements.
Only open it to view it.
The metadata is exported to the specified XML file. You can send this file to any partner.
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