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Optional Agent Settings for UNIX/Linux

SiteMinder agents for apache-based servers offer the following optional settings:

Set Web Agent Variables when using apachectl Script

You run your Apache server using the apachectl script (such as when running an Apache web server on POSIX). Adding a line to the apachectl script sets the environment variables for the agent.

Follow these steps:

  1. Locate a line resembling the following example:
    # Source /etc/sysconfig/httpd for $HTTPD setting, etc
  2. Add the following line after the line in the previous example:
    sh /web_agent_home/

    Indicates the directory where the SiteMinder Agent is installed.

    Default (UNIX/Linux installations): /opt/ca/webagent

Improve Server Performance with Optional httpd.conf File Changes

You can improve server performance by modifying the default configuration settings in the httpd.conf file; however, these changes are not required:

Follow these steps:

  1. For Apache- based servers, assign a higher priority level to your Apache20WebAgent.dll file than any other auth or access modules on your web server.
  2. For low-traffic websites, define the following directives:
  3. For high-traffic websites, define the following directives:

Note: CA Services can provide assistance with performance-tuning for your particular environment.