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How to Install Apache-based Agents on UNIX or Linux

Installing SiteMinder agents on the UNIX or Linux operating environments requires several separate procedures. These procedures are described using the following process:

  1. Gather the information that the installation program requires.
  2. Run the wizard based installation program.
Gather the Information for the Installation

Gather the following information about your web server before running the installation program for the agent:

Installation Directory

Specifies the location of the agent binary files on your web server. The web_agent_home variable is set to this location.

Limit: The product requires the name webagent for the bottom directory in the path.

Run the Installation Program on UNIX/Linux

The installation program for the SiteMinder agent installs the agent on one computer at a time using the UNIX or Linux operating environments. This installation program can be run in wizard or console modes. The wizard and console-based installation program also creates a .properties file for subsequent installations and configurations using the unattended or silent method with the same settings.

For example, suppose the Agents in your environment use the same web server version, installation directory, Agent Configuration Object and Policy Servers. Use the installation wizard or console-based installation program for your first installation. Afterwards, you could create your own script to run the installation program with the .properties file the wizard or console-based installation program created.

Follow these steps:

  1. Copy SiteMinder agent installation executable file to a temporary directory on your web server.
  2. Log in as a root user.
  3. Do one of the following steps:
  4. Use the information from your agent Installation worksheet to complete the installation program.

More information:

Web Agent Install Worksheet for the Windows Operating Environment