You can manage the duration of the authentication session at the Service Provider. The SessionNotOnOrAfter attribute is an optional attribute that the IdP can include in the <AuthnStatement> of an assertion. The configuration for session validity is done at the IdP.
Note: The SessionNotOnOrAfter parameter is different from the NotOnOrAfter parameter, which determines how long the assertion is valid.
A third-party SP can use the value of the SessionNotOnOrAfter to set its own timeout values, helping to ensure that sessions are not too short. If a user session becomes invalid, the user has to reauthenticate at the Identity Provider.
Important! If SiteMinder is acting as an SP, it ignores the SessionNotOnOrAfter value. Instead, a SiteMinder SP sets session timeouts from the realm timeout that corresponds to the SAML authentication scheme protecting the target resource.
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