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Legacy and Partnership Federation in the Administrative UI

SiteMinder now lets you configure Federation Manager from a central management interface. Under the Federation Manager product, there are two federation models: legacy federation (formerly Federation Security Services) and partnership federation (formerly standalone Federation Manager). You can

If you are an existing customer of Federation Security Services, you can manage these objects from the Legacy Federation tab in the Administrative UI. Aspects of legacy federation in the Administrative UI differ from previous 12.x SiteMinder releases. However, most of the field names and location of settings are similar to previous 12.x SiteMinder release. To configure SAML 1.0 or WS-Federation profiles for single sign-on, you must use legacy federation.

If you are new to federation and you want to use SAML 1.1 or SAML 2.0 for single sign-on, use partnership federation. If you are an existing customer and simply want to take advantage of the partnership model, use partnership federation.

Note: You cannot upgrade from standalone Federation Manager to partnership federation integrated with SiteMinder.