You can configure Red Hat Directory Server as a separate key store.
Complete the following tasks to create the key store:
Note: For more information, see your vendor–specific documentation.
Note: For more information, see your vendor–specific documentation.
Register the Key Store
Registering the key store configures a connection between the key store and the Policy Server. The Policy Server uses the credentials that you supply to manage the key store.
Important! Registration does not configure the Policy Server to use the separate key store. The settings do not take effect until the Policy Server is restarted. Do not restart the Policy Server until the key store is configured and you are ready to deploy it.
Follow these steps:
smldapsetup reg -hhost -pport -dadmin_user -wadmin_password -rroot -k1
Important! Before running a SiteMinder utility or executable on Windows Server 2008, open the command-line window with administrator permissions. Open the command-line window this way, even if your account has administrator privileges.
Note: For more information about these modes and arguments, see the Policy Server Administration Guide.
smldapsetup reg -host172.16.0.0 -p389 -d"cn=directory manager" -wpassword -r"dc=test" -k1
a. Select Keystore from the Database list.
b. Verify that the connection settings and the administrative user settings appear.
c. Click test LDAP Connection to verify that the Policy Server can communicate with the key store instance.
Note: The Use Policy Store database setting is cleared. The cleared setting is expected normal behavior. The Policy Server continues to use the key store that is collocated with the policy store.
The separate key is registered with the Policy Server.
Create the Key Store Schema
The key store instance requires the schema to store and retrieve SiteMinder web agent keys. Use the smldapsetup utility to create the key store schema file.
Follow these steps:
smldapsetup ldgen -ffile_name -k1
Important! Before running a SiteMinder utility or executable on Windows Server 2008, open the command-line window with administrator permissions. Open the command-line window this way, even if your account has administrator privileges.
Note: For more information about these modes and arguments, see the Policy Server Administration Guide.
Example: smldapsetup ldgen -fkeystoreschema -k1
The key store schema file is created.
Import the Key Store Schema
The key store instance requires the schema to store and retrieve SiteMinder web agent keys. Use the smldapsetup utility to import the key store schema file.
Follow these steps:
smldapsetup ldmod -ffile_name -k1
smldapsetup ldmod -fkeystoreschema -k1
The key store–specific schema is imported.
The key store–specific schema is imported.
Restart the Policy Server
The Policy Server continues to use the collocated key store until you restart the Policy Server. Restart the Policy Server to begin using the separate key store.
Note: For more information, see the Policy Server Administration Guide.
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